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Come and relax with us. Business Plan Mr. McClary Economics 11/10/16.

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Presentation on theme: "Come and relax with us. Business Plan Mr. McClary Economics 11/10/16."— Presentation transcript:

1 Come and relax with us. Business Plan Mr. McClary Economics 11/10/16

2 Mission Statement and Niche
Libri I classis. Meus ventus genus diei. Magister meus est mirabile. Excellerem in officium est, et vere mihi videtur res curae cursus. Vtinam mihi schola magister omnibus annis XII. Didici a genere suo. Ego haec omnia pertinent ad vitae pede. Ego possum dicere honeste periculum genere melior. Olim positive incursum affecto alterum vita mea impingente individua certo modo se. Facile patior oblatum mihi tempus in genere suo, et grato animo volo exprimerem conatu.

3 Location Address: 705 North Dixie Freeway New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168
Size: 3600 square feet Cost: $4,206 per month

4 Inside the Store

5 Market Analysis Yo Momma’s Coffee FreakOut Coffee Co.
High Grounds Coffee Co.

6 Management Team Partner’s Responsibilities My Responsibilities
Customer Service Bookkeeping/Paying bills Inventory Management Cleaning the Store My Qualifications 5 years of customer service and sales experience 4 years of management experience Previously worked for coffee distributor (4 years) Experience with QuickBooks Partner’s Responsibilities Customer Service Advertising Booking the talent Cleaning the store Partner’s Qualifications 3 years of customer service experience 1 year of management experience Previously worked for coffee shop ( 2 years) Social Media Expert

7 Marketing Plan Phase1: Social Media Blast Phase 2: Hire a Street Sign Flipper Phase 3: Pass Out Flyers for Grand Opening Music Concert

8 Potential Problems Lack of Customers Long Hours Wasted Supplies

9 Company Expenses

10 Production Cost and Revenue Schedule

11 Production Cost and Revenue Schedule

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