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functions responsible for short term (acute) responses to physical activity in the cardiovascular, respiratory and muscular systems Participate in data collection, analyse and report on the acute responses occurring at the cardiovascular, respiratory and muscular systems in response to exercise. Robert Malpeli - Balwyn High School 2010

2 Robert Malpeli - Balwyn High School 2010

3 Only occur for the duration of exercise and recovery
Acute responses : Only occur for the duration of exercise and recovery Are dependent on the intensity, duration and type of exercise being undertaken Involve the respiratory, cardiovascular and muscular systems working together to supply more energy / ATP and oxygen to working muscles and then again to remove any waste products Robert Malpeli - Balwyn High School 2010

4 Acute Respiratory responses
↑ Ventilation (air breathed in & out per minute) Ventilation (litres/min) = Tidal Volume (litres) x Respiratory rate (breaths/min) ↑Tidal Volume ( amount of inspired & expired air per breath) ↑ Respiratory Rate (breaths per minute) Ventilation vs. submaximal and maximal exercise Robert Malpeli - Balwyn High School 2010

5 ↑ Gas Exchange / Diffusion
Gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide always move from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. Lungs oxygen concentration is high so it moves from the alveoli into the blood stream to be taken to muscles carbon dioxide concentration in the blood stream is high so it moves into the alveoli to be exhaled Muscles (opposite concentrations to lungs) oxygen concentration is low so it moves from the blood stream to be taken in by the muscles carbon dioxide concentration in the muscles is high so it moves into the blood stream to be transported to the lungs and exhaled Robert Malpeli - Balwyn High School 2010



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