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BELLWORK: 10/24 Who were the pieds-noirs? How did they use their status to oppress the Muslim majority in Algeria? Describe the problems of the French.

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Presentation on theme: "BELLWORK: 10/24 Who were the pieds-noirs? How did they use their status to oppress the Muslim majority in Algeria? Describe the problems of the French."— Presentation transcript:

1 BELLWORK: 10/24 Who were the pieds-noirs? How did they use their status to oppress the Muslim majority in Algeria? Describe the problems of the French Fourth Republic. How did these problems impact their view of Algeria? How did WWII impact Algeria? How did the FLN organize themselves? Why did they adopt guerrilla tactics? THINKER: How was the French view towards Algerian Muslims similar to justifications used by the US to expand during the age of imperialism? (Think about White Man’s Burden)

2 Causes of the Algerian War

3 French Conquest of Algeria: 1830

4 French Rule in Algeria Code de l'indigénat (Indigenous Code) - July 14, 1865 “The indigenous Muslim is French. . . He may be admitted to serve in the army and the navy. He may be called to functions and civil employment in Algeria. He may, on his demand, be admitted to enjoy the rights of a French citizen; in this case, he is subjected to the political and civil laws of France.” Different than other French colonies! Who were the colons (pieds-noirs)? How did they use their status to oppress the Muslim majority in Algeria? France favored colons in: Land Ownership Economy Employment Education Language Religion Citizenship THINKER: Make a connection  How is this similar to the White Man’s Burden?

5 French Rule in Algeria

6 Casbah: The native section of a North African city

7 The French Fourth Republic
24 governments in 12 years Why were there problems in the Fourth Republic? How did these problems impact their view of Algeria?

8 Short-Term Causes: Impact of WWII on French Algeria
How did WWII impact Algeria? European colonizers seen as vulnerable! France taken over by Germany British colonies taken over by Japan US and USSR expressed opposition towards imperialism UN emphasized human rights and freedoms….. Undermined entire system of imperialism! Encouraged emergence of nationalist leaders who wanted to resist European rule Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam/ Mao in China

9 Setif Massacre – VE Day May 1945

10 Setif Massacre – VE Day May 1945
Effects: Summary executions in villages Muslim villages bombed by aircraft French cruiser fired on costal cities Pied-Noirs gangs lynched men Turning point in Franco-Algerian relations! Caused FLN to radicalize and increase in popularity. The French government publically recognized these crimes for the first time in 2005.

11 Fehrat Abbas Nationalist, representing Algerian Muslims
Wrote the Manifesto of Algerian People; 1942 Demanded “the condemnation and abolition of colonization” plus self-government, a new constitution, participation by Algerians in their own political affairs & equality Moderate: UDMA faction Leader in FLN; ruled in Cairo

12 Ben Bella Radical Arab nationalist & socialist
Fought for the French during WWII Leader/founder of the FLN Imprisoned by France throughout the majority of the war After independence, becomes Algeria’s first President

13 FLN National Liberation Front
Socialist Nationalist political party in Algeria (started in Cairo) Merged with several smaller groups & radicalized post-WWII The FLN's armed wing was the Armée de Libération nationale (ALN). Relied heavily on civilian support Why did they adopt guerrilla tactics?

14 How did the FLN organize themselves?

15 French Support Colons or Pieds-Noirs Harkis
Organisation de l'armée secrète – OAS What were the OAS used for in Algeria?

16 Advantages/ Strengths Disadvantage/ Weaknesses
The FLN The French Advantages/ Strengths Disadvantage/ Weaknesses Goals Strategies

17 Hmwk: Strategies/Goals
Guerrilla Warfare Torture War of retaliation Foreign Aide

18 Closure Discussion Homework due Friday!
What was the role of Abbas and Bella in the war? Describe the result of the Setif Massacre. Explain the fighting tactics used in the war. Pages 30-34 Focus annotations on: Important events/ turning points Role of de Gaulle Ending of the war Effects of the war (Algeria vs. France vs. Colons)

19 Carousel Brainstorming
This is a strategy used to categorize important events/people/items into specific sectors. It will help you memorize and brainstorm items from each topic. How does this work? This will be used as review over the causes and fighting of the Algerian War.

20 Carousel Brainstorm The Rules The Groups
Do not move ahead! Follow directions. Switch recorders at each station, but keep your color Read other comments first, what can you add/change? Work as a group and use it as review….. The purpose is to brainstorm! People/Groups/Countries Involved (A) French rule in Algeria (2&3) Impact of WWII on Algeria (4) Short-Term/Immediate Causes (5) Fighting and Tactics (6)

21 Poster Re-Teach Now that the class has brainstormed important details of each concept, your group will be responsible for re-teaching it to the class. To start, return to your original station and review the information listed on the poster. Analyze the following: What are the common answers/main points? What points are missing or misunderstood? Does it show a good understanding of the concept? What can be clarified? How can you use these points to re-teach the class about the concept? Decide how you are going to re-teach/explain the concept to the class. You must reference the poster! Everyone must participate! At the end of your brief re-teach, pose a discussion question to the class. It may be a general concept review question, or can be a higher-level “thinker” question. You are taking on the role of the teacher!

22 Post-It for Understanding!!!
1 (Still do not understand!) 5 (I understand the majority of concepts, but still confused on some) 10 (I got it! I fully understand and comprehend all material!)

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