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Key Stage 3 Progress Assemblies

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Presentation on theme: "Key Stage 3 Progress Assemblies"— Presentation transcript:

1 Key Stage 3 Progress Assemblies
Half Term 4

2 You said you wanted... To know more about your progress
To know how you are performing as a year group To stick to one system

3 What are S Scores? A standardised score allows you to compare your performance across years and subjects because it has been standardised

4 Key Stage 3 assessment certificates
You start with a standardised score (S Score) worked out from an average of your Year 7 CATs tests and your Year 6 SATs

5 Your aim is to beat this and to keep improving further setting new personal bests

6 What do the S Scores mean?
A score of means that your performance is broadly average for students in our school A score of 120+ tells you that your performance is above average A score of 90 or below tells you that your performance is below average

7 How is your colour worked out?
Your colour is worked out from comparing your progress in English, Maths and Science to other students of the same ability to you Well done to the students in key stage 3 who are green

8 What next... Take action Ask for individual conversations with teachers Ask for individual targets for all subjects and advice on how to improve Use Ms Powley’s break time drop in

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