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Columbian Exchange Rebecca Maxcey January 6, 2015 3rd Period (WHAP)

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Presentation on theme: "Columbian Exchange Rebecca Maxcey January 6, 2015 3rd Period (WHAP)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Columbian Exchange Rebecca Maxcey January 6, 2015 3rd Period (WHAP)

2 Columbian Exchange Artistic and Life Exchanges Plants and Animals
Diseases Technology European and Native American Makeup of Atlantic

3 How It Began Christopher Columbus discovery
Trade goods for natural resources Old World New World -food: corn, potatoes, bean, coca beans -precious metals: gold, silver -tobacco -food: wheat, sugar, rice, coffee beans -livestock: horses, cows, pigs -diseases: smallpox, measles, influenza, typhus

4 Animals Pigs -produced fastest -meat for explorers Horses -travel
-trips across Atlantic were hard because of size -speed in war -terrified natives

5 Animals Cattle -Columbus 1943 -killed for hides and meat
-hides sold in Europe Camels -not popular in new world -food ~escaped slaves -extinct by 1615

6 Plants Sugarcane -flourished in New World -diet of every culture
-plantations developed ~Cuba ~Puerto Rico ~Jamaica Maize -most important New World crops -grows quickly -grows better than wheat

7 Plants Potatoes -amazing New World crop -European diet
-cold stand cold and could grow in thin soil -food for lower class -dietary staples

8 Diseases Old World Diseases Smallpox Measles Malaria Yellow Fever
Influenza Chicken Pox

9 Diseases New World Diseases Syphilis Polio Hepatitis Encephalitis

10 Technology Written Alphabet -no formal written language
-use to write treaty -educate natives -” This written syllabary is a key step in the technological movement and the intellectual growth of the Native Americans by way of the Columbus Exchange.”( Farming -plow ignite New World -cultivated land -helped with food for natives and Europeans -main factor -pulled by horses/large animals

11 Technology Architecture -built homes -ranches -farms -ports -ships
Weapons -knives and guns ~hunting and fishing -bow and arrow -hunting -fishing -protection Architecture -built homes -ranches -farms -ports -ships

12 Works Cited Google for my picsss

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