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Draft Energy transfer: hierarchy of knowledge Energy model

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1 Draft Energy transfer: hierarchy of knowledge Energy model
How is an expert’s understanding of the subject organised? Big idea Energy is conserved Energy is a property that object must have so they can do work. Energy appears to come in different forms and can move between them. What matters is the total quantity which is always constant. This allows us to predict what can or cannot happen, using formula. Useful energy is always lost in an energy transfer. We present energy as a single quantity that exists in different stores. At the microscopic level these reduce to either kinetic energy, potential energy based on the position in a field, or radiation. Unit concept Energy model Unit concept Heat & temperature Unit concept Wasted energy Sub-concepts Energy stores, Kinetic energy, gravitational energy Sub-concepts Temperature, thermal equilibrium, temperature-time graph Sub-concepts Input & output, efficiency Facts Other energy stores: thermal (hot), elastic (stretched), electrical (current), chemical (fuel or battery) Total energy is same before and after Energy measured in J Facts Heat is a movement of energy between objects Temperature measured in ∘C Facts Energy can be useful or wasted Efficiency = output/input energy x 100 What scientific reasoning, maths, literacy and problem solving skills are developed? Skill area Use maths Use quantitative reasoning to solve word problems Skill area Develop models Use models to make predictions and develop scientific explanations Skill area Present evidence Argue with evidence to support a claim State opinions with enough detail to be clear Draft Note: the content is in draft form and may change when published © Mastery Science, 2018

2 I can use my knowledge to
Energy transfer: learning stages & objectives Decide Activate I understand earlier concepts Acquire I can make sense of the idea that .. Apply In unfamiliar situations, I can use the concept to .. Analyse I can use higher order thinking to .. Energy model When there is a change, energy is transferred from one store at the start to another at the end Represent the change in a system using a visual model of energy Do simple calculations using energy values of food and activities Justify a claim about the energy transfer of a device, using data Heat & temperature States Energy moves from warmer objects to cooler objects, until both reach the same temperature. Describe or estimate how much the temperature of an object will change Make deductions about heat and temperature changes from graphs Wasted energy When energy is transferred, some energy is wasted, reducing the useful energy Determine the amount of useful and wasted energy during a transfer Draw conclusions using data about energy efficiency Act I can use my knowledge to Devise a food or drink label to show how much exercise is needed to use the energy Note: the content is in draft form and may change when published © Mastery Science, 2018

3 (AQA Trilogy combined science)
Energy transfer: national curriculum Which parts of KS3 are covered? AQA KS3 syllabus: Energy transfer Which parts of GCSE are covered? (AQA Trilogy combined science) Energy transfers Energy transfers in a system Wasted energy Develop models WS1.2 Use models to make predictions and develop scientific explanations What resources are there to teach this unit? Below are some ideas. Visit to see more teaching & assessment resources, including: Advanced planners with teaching ideas for Acquire Mastery Practice Books to practise Apply Diagnostic and summative assessments for Acquire, Apply and Analyse Teaching ideas Act One weight loss idea is to make the quantity of energy in food more meaningful. It can be expressed as how long you would need to exercise for to use the energy. Students can be given energy data per g of food and /minute of exercise, choose activities that are relevant to the target audience. Note: the content is in draft form and may change when published © Mastery Science, 2018

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