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SSTs: The Next Chapter in the Adventure

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1 SSTs: The Next Chapter in the Adventure
Pre SST Review Goal Writing/Resources Procedure for Office Level SSTs

2 The Pre SST The PreSST(SST1) is a teacher-led meeting held with the parents. Forms completed are: Parent Interview 1 or 2 Intervention Form The SST 1 is continued as long as progress is being seen – add more intervention forms as needed

3 The Student Intervention Log drives the SST Process
The Student Intervention Log drives the SST Process. The Target Behaviors, Intended Outcomes and Results are recorded using Quantitative Data. i.e. percentages, number of observed incidents recorded at the same time each day, etc… Most important form in the packet

4 Components of a goal or objective:
Who Does what How much accuracy Measured how

5 A SMART Goal Specific- Measurable- Ambitious- Realistic-
Take into account the Gen Ed curriculum-

6 Examples of measurable objects
When given 10 mixed double-digit addition and subtraction problems with regrouping, Kelly will be able to compute the answers with 80% accuracy as measured by teacher created tests. When given first grade material, Kelly will be able to read a passage orally at 70 wpm with no more than 5 errors as measured by a computer- generated fluency test(e.g. Ticket to Read)

7 Callie’s Aimline Callie is a Second Grade Student. Her teacher has a concern about her reading fluency – lead through the numbers – solid blue line is where we are now. Callie’s teacher meets with her mother and together, they will write a fluency goal for Callie.

8 Activity Look again at Callie’s Chart Work in groups of 3 to develop a
SMART goal for Callie Specific Measureable Ambitious Realistic Takes into account the General Education Curriculum 3 minutes and share out

9 Callie’s Aimline Callie’s fluency will increase by 3 words per week to 94 Words per minute in six weeks as measured by running records and /Ticket to Read Fluency Assessments. If the student is showing improvement,, even if the goal is not completely met eg. Callie is at 80 words per minute, communicate the student’s progress with the parent and continue all interventions. If the student is not showing improvement or is moving backward, meet with your team to develop new interventions. Interventions need to be monitored for a minimum of least 3-4 weeks. There should be evidence on the Intervention Log of at least two attempts to develop intervention with a total of 6-8 weeks of of total attempts at intervention Interventions should reflect what growth we should expect in that 6-8 week time frame – very important – good time to ask staff to brainstorm a goal. On Callie’s timeline, we would expect, with interventions, that Callie would increase her WPM by 18, not that she would suddenly read with a fluency level that is grade-appropriate. If progress is seen – teacher continues the interventions in place and communicates that progress with parents.

10 Types of Accommodations
Quantity - Classroom # of items Time - Classroom Extra time Level of Support – Classroom, Grade Level, School Site Peer tutors, teacher small group Input - Classroom Visuals, hands on activities, cooperative groups Output - Classroom Adapt how the student will respond to instruction Participation - Classroom Adapt the extent that the student is actively involved in the task

11 Clara Barton Elementary School’s 2013 RtI Pyramid
Special Education/504 Assessment Universal Access is not just for Special Education Students* Student Success Team(SST) Referral. Documentation and Follow-up on Agreed Upon Interventions. Off- Track Attendance Triple P Parenting Class Level 2 Parent Interviews and Intervention Logs Level 1 In-school Intervention Before/After School Tutoring Cross-age Tutoring Health Action Plans Ticket to Read/Adapted Mind BIP Outside Tutoring Targeted Intervention/Learning Communities Classroom Accommodations Afterschool Rosetta Stone Morning Computer Lab Access - New Work with your partners to find at least two interventions that will help Callie meet her learning objective. Share out Building Blocks Common Assessments Pacing Guides PTTs ELD SDAIE Discovery Learning Standards-based Instruction First Best Instruction Thinking Maps DOK Eight Engaging Qualities Using the Core with Fidelity *Universal Access

12 Resources Resources Yourself/Your Team/Student’s Parents
HM/Prentice Hall Teacher’s Guides Clara Barton Intervention Pyramid Pre-Referral Intervention Manual(PRIM) Locating and Correcting Reading Difficulties Making Content comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP Model 101 Classroom Interventions Elementary School Edition(ADHD Strategies) Grab a copy of the PRIMM to share – in the top left-hand cubbie in my office. This is available for checkout by teams – if I am not in my office write your name and whatever you have checked out on a post-it –leave on my desk.

13 What if my Graph Moves in the Opposite Direction?
If the student is still not showing improvement record your documentation DIRECTLY RELATED TO THE OBJECTIVES YOU HAVE WRITTEN. Fill in the Referral to SST Form and give the file to Jennifer for review or schedule a time to meet with Jennifer so we can review the paperwork together and schedule a meeting. REMEMBER – as an FYI, Health information is available on Illuminate or in the Health Office. Please have your interventions results DIRECTLY RELATED TO YOUR LEARNING OBJECTIVES ready for the meeting.

14 A Little Perspective From the Child's Point of View
Stop this at 2:10 - here’s the link if it doesn’t play: Maybe have it ready to go and minimized?? Anyway – here it is: This is a little difficult to understand – heavy accents but the message is that students struggle EVERYWHERE! We cannot forget where our focus should lie.

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