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Gates Reimbursement Process

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1 2018-19 Gates Reimbursement Process
Travel Guidelines Mileage • For Teams of 4 or less: Mileage Reimbursement for 1 vehicle • For teams of 5 or more: Mileage Reimbursement for 2 vehicles Lodging - Overnight lodging if traveling more than 120 miles one-way  • Will be required to stay at designated hotel unless otherwise stated. • In the event hotel is not designated, rooms must be within the state rate. Per diem can only be claimed if traveling more than 120 miles one-way AND staying overnight Reimbursements             • Attendees should submit their reimbursement forms to their campus’ Business Office within days of the meeting.  This would be 14 days of the last date of that meeting. • The Business Office will have a total of 30 days (by the last date of the meeting) to submit their invoice to TBR for reimbursement.  We will no longer guarantee payment for invoices submitted after 30 days. • Please only send one invoice for all the attendees.

2 2018-19 Gates Reimbursement Process
Travel Guidelines Reimbursements Documentation           • Attendees should review the travel guidelines before submitting forms. •We will NOT reimburse for meals provided during meeting. • Miles must be accompanied by a map. Please review per diem here. Invoices •All invoices to be paid should be addressed to Accounts Payable Department and ed to • Invoice should include meeting name and contract person. Direct questions regarding invoices to Maresa Whaley at or

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