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Data Processing DNA: Question Your Answer Describe what a chart is.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Processing DNA: Question Your Answer Describe what a chart is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Processing DNA: Question Your Answer Describe what a chart is. What is a formula? What is pressure? What is a line graph used for? Teacher Guidance: This lesson is aimed to be used in a KS3 (Yr 7-9) Computer Science lesson, though could be used as part of a science curriculum. You need to have printed pages: DNA Purpose of lesson: Get students to download and process real live data in CSV format. They will then import this into Excel and produce graphs. They can then publish them on your schools twitter feed with their own conclusions. LO: Explain how to process data by creating graphs in Excel.

2 Data Processing DNA: Question Your Answer Describe what a chart is. Visual representation of data from a model. What is a formula? Specific instructions for carrying out a calculation. What is pressure? Pressure is the force per unit area. What is a line graph used for? A line graph is often used to show a trend over time. It is plotted as a series of points. The ends of the line graph do not have to join to the axes. Teacher Guidance: This lesson is aimed to be used in a KS3 (Yr 7-9) Computer Science lesson, though could be used as part of a science curriculum. You need to have printed pages: DNA Purpose of lesson: Get students to download and process real live data in CSV format. They will then import this into Excel and produce graphs. They can then publish them on your schools twitter feed with their own conclusions. LO: Explain how to process data by creating graphs in Excel.

3 LO: Explain how to process data by creating graphs in Excel.
TPS: What information could you collect whilst climbing a mountain? Think-Pair-Share, on WBs – pull out the idea of data such as GPS, height, pressure (link to science lessons). LO: Explain how to process data by creating graphs in Excel.

4 LO: Explain how to process data by creating graphs in Excel.
3 minutes, find out 4 facts about Mount Kinabalu We are going to study some data from Mount Kinabalu. Get on computers, get some quick facts, cold call across the classroom. LO: Explain how to process data by creating graphs in Excel.

5 LO: Explain how to process data by creating graphs in Excel
What data have we got access to? Go to website, what do you think the terms mean? LO: Explain how to process data by creating graphs in Excel

6 LO: Explain how to process data by creating graphs in Excel
Download some data in CSV format. LO: Explain how to process data by creating graphs in Excel

7 LO: Explain how to process data by creating graphs in Excel
Import this into Excel. LO: Explain how to process data by creating graphs in Excel

8 LO: Explain how to process data by creating graphs in Excel
CFU – How do you download and import CSV data? On your WB write a sentence to describe the process. Check that the class no understand the process, so you can intervene. LO: Explain how to process data by creating graphs in Excel

9 LO: Explain how to process data by creating graphs in Excel
Turn and Talk: What types of graphs could we use to explore this data? Should we do bar charts? Line graphs? LO: Explain how to process data by creating graphs in Excel

10 LO: Explain how to process data by creating graphs in Excel
Turn and Talk: What does this show us? Should we do bar charts? Line graphs? LO: Explain how to process data by creating graphs in Excel

11 LO: Explain how to process data by creating graphs in Excel
Explore the data, what can you find out? Are their any trends? Any correlations? Would you expect the height and air pressure to be linked? LO: Explain how to process data by creating graphs in Excel

12 LO: Explain how to process data by creating graphs in Excel
Chew – the most important thing from the data is…. Chew: We learn more of what we think about. Give the class time to process what they have just found out in their graphs. LO: Explain how to process data by creating graphs in Excel

13 LO: Explain how to process data by creating graphs in Excel
Now in Word screenshot your work and write down conclusions to what you have found out. The best will be shared on twitter. LO: Explain how to process data by creating graphs in Excel

14 LO: Explain how to process data by creating graphs in Excel
Plenary Write down 2 new pieces of learning. LO: Explain how to process data by creating graphs in Excel

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