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Types of Forces Chapter 9.1.

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1 Types of Forces Chapter 9.1

2 Force When one object pushes or pulls another object, the first exerts a force on the second.

3 Newton The SI unit for measuring the strength of a force.

4 2 Types of forces A. Contact forces B. Forces that act @ a distance
Applied force Normal force Frictional force *Electrical force *Magnetic force *Gravitational force

5 Applied force A force that is put on an object by another object.

6 Normal force The force that acts between objects when they are in contact with each other. ”normal” means perpendicular

7 Friction The force that two surfaces exert on each other when they rub against each other. 2 Factors that influence friction are the type of surfaces and how hard they are pressed together.

8 Electrical Force The force between two charged objects.

9 Magnetic Force The attraction or repulsion between magnetic poles.

10 Gravitational Force The force that pulls objects toward each other.

11 Law of Universal Gravitation
The force of gravity acts between all objects in the universe that have mass.

12 Two factors that affect the gravitational attraction between objects…
Mass – a measure of the amount of matter in an object. Distance – the length of the path between two points.

13 Weight A measure of the force of gravity on an object.


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