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Presentation on theme: "GROUP III DRAFT PROGRAMME 2018"— Presentation transcript:


2 INTRODUCTORY REMARKS The programming exercise of the coming year is a particular one: In 2018 Group III will have two Presidents At the time of writing the incoming President is in the preliminary preparation phase of his presidency The review of the working structures of the EESC The mid-term renewal of the EESC and the consequent changes in the composition of Group III bodies (Presidency, Bureau) The shrinking budget following the Brexit to be balanced with the rising request of activities, e.g. more categories

3 The General context in 2018 As outlined in the 2017 report Europe faces insecurities and transition but also shows a vision and maturity. Member States and European institutions act on a common front. The degree of European integration has to be once more agreed among the civil society stakeholders The EESC and Group III will continue to support this process into the framework of the changing advisory and participative processes (e.g. Platforms, high level groups) and double their efforts to follow up our papers. We shall push for more and intensive communication about Europe in civil society organisations being represented by us. We shall advertise for the advantages of European core values

4 Main Group III actions BREXIT effects on CSOs
Rural societies outside metropolitan areas – the forgotten peripheries- opposing populism New Consumers’ strategy “New deal for Consumers” and link with the reform of the CAP and the evaluation of a bigger role for cooperatives The space of CS in the European society (theory and practice) New Name: DIVERSITY EUROPE

5 Ordinary Group III meetings
To be determined (thematic debates, information on Members' activities) 14 February: Election of Group III Section Presidents (INT and REX) 17 April: Election of Group III Vice-presidents + Appointment by the remaining national delegations of a representative to the group bureau + Composition and Presidency of all EESC permanent bodies

6 Extraordinary meetings of Group III
Group III will hold 3 extraordinary meetings: Brussels on 15 February afternoon for the presentation of the study The future evolution of civil society in the European Union Sofia on 6 March + 1 thematic half day visit on 5 March on Supporting vulnerable regions and citizens: Boosting sustainable growth and cohesion Feldkirch (Austria) on 11 October (+ 1 thematic visit day on 12 October) on Euroscepticism: Anti-EU Tendencies and Their Impact on Public Opinion and Civil Society The Irish subject and the influence on CSOs

7 Extraordinary meetings of the
Bureau of Group III 5 extraordinary meetings of the Bureau: Two in Brussels on the governance and the working strategy of the Group maybe coupled with thematic debate in July + 3 (...)

8 Studies The budget for the Groups for the first phase (January - July) is of € € for the second phase (tbc) The study launched in the end of 2017 on Implications of New Economic Models on the Different Stakeholders' Groups - the case of ecosystem services: benefits and challenges for the circular economy and consumers will be completed One study in liaison with a major Group III event on rural societies (i.e. outside the metropoles), the social services, living conditions, consumers’ affairs and their impact on inhabitants civic and political behaviour and choices – Fight against populism No more prejudice? Europe in the view of the next generation compared with the European kids in European Schools in Brussels

9 Categories 3 annual meetings: 2 internal and 1 with external guests after Sections and Plenaries N.B.: Given the budget allocated to Categories, the third meeting is subject to availability of budgetary resources to be verified in June/July The success stories outlined in the 2017 Report show that they should continue working on the same track Assessment of work carried out by categories The new Categories will start working in February 2018

10 Communication Improve our main communication channels:
Twitter & Facebook: more followers, more audiovisual content, get more members on twitter Press: develop contacts with journalists, target press work, arrange one-on-one interviews with specialized press Web: develop webstories, add audiovisual content Newsletter: increase database & continue developing content

11 Communication NEW: publish articles written for our members in newsletters of: Other institutions (Parlamentarium, News Hound, Commission en Direct etc) Members' organisations newsletters Other CSO newsletters under their Names Underline that Europe is everybody’s business and responsibility

12 Communication 2018: Focus on a few priority themes for 2018 as a Group
Event, social media, press, web, newsletter Focus on individual Members' activities: Communicate on Group III Rapporteurs of EESC Opinions If you are speaking at/organising an event in Brussels or abroad, let us know so we can tweet/press/web/newsletter

13 Communication Develop further interinstitutional network (ex.: speak at other institutions' events, organise bilateral meetings with MEPs… So we create visibility through their existing/popular channels (web, social media, press) Develop an intensive reporting of the members to the Group about the development of the European ideas in their counties and organisations Increase the information in the Group about the competences represented in Diversity Europe

January February March April May June 16. Presidency of Group III 7. CONSO/ENVI 13. Presidency of Group III 15. LP 15. Afternoon - Extraordinary Group meeting - Brussels - Presentation of the study :The future evolution of civil society in the European Union   5 & 6 Extraordinary Group meeting - Sofia - Supporting vulnerable regions and citizens: Boosting sustainable growth and cohesion 8. ECOSOC 4. AGRI 17. Presidency of Group III 24. CONSO + Extraordinary Presidency of Group III for renewal (Brussels)    22. Presidency of Group III 19. Presidency of Group III (tbc) July August September October November December 10. Presidency of Group III 17. Joint meeting of AGRI and ECOSOC + Extraordinary meeting of the Bureau of Group III (Brussels) 18. Presidency of Group III 11 & 12. Extraordinary meeting of Group III – Feldkrich (Austria) -Euroscepticism: Anti-EU Tendencies and Their Impact on Public Opinion and Civil Society 16.  Presidency of Group III 13. Presidency of Group III (tbc) 28. AGRI 29. CONSO  11. Presidency of Group III To be added: 2 Liberal Professions Category – 1 Group III (INT and EXT) – 3 Group III Bureau (EXT) To be added: 2 Liberal Professions Category – 1 Group III – 3 Group III Bureau (EXT)


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