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I. Important Questions to Consider II. Basic Terminology

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Presentation on theme: "I. Important Questions to Consider II. Basic Terminology"— Presentation transcript:

1 I. Important Questions to Consider II. Basic Terminology
OBJECTIVES I. Important Questions to Consider II. Basic Terminology III. Various Opinions IV. Examining the Scriptures V. Systematic Conclusions VI. Apologetics VII. Practical Applications

2 Why is it important to study more than one view?
How should we determine which view is right? How should we treat those who adhere to a different view than our own?

3 III. Various Opinions OVERVIEW CHART Does General Revelation Exist?
Does General Revelation Exist? Can Unbelievers Properly Interpret General Revelation (Natural Theology)? Can Believers Properly Interpret General Revelation? How Depraved is the Unsaved Human Mind? Aquinian View Y Corrupt Barthian View N Radically Corrupt Alternative Reformed View Religious Liberal View Mildly Corrupt to Basically Good The Dominant Protestant View

4 Homework Questions What are two historic facts for the Aquinian and Barthian views? What are two theological beliefs of the Aquinian and Barthian views? How do these two views differ on their beliefs about General Revelation?

5 GOING DEEPER Perspective #1 – Aquinian Perspective
III. Various Opinions GOING DEEPER Perspective #1 – Aquinian Perspective History Beliefs Tommaso d’Aquino, often identified as Thomas Aquinas, was born in the city of Aquino “Dumb Ox” “Angelic Doc” Summa Theologica Human beings, made in the image of God, are endowed with the power of a rational mind. God’s existence is similar or analogous to human existence; therefore, God can be comprehended (Strict, Lost, Analogous). The mind was not seriously affected by the fall. General Revelation and Natural Theology are true

6 III. Various Opinions History Beliefs Perspective #2 – Barthian View
Confessing Church Deported to Switzerland Largest Work: Church Dogmatics Infinite chasm between God and man. God is “totally other” or completely different from humanity and creation. Barth downplayed, if not denied, the existence of General Revelation

7 Homework Questions What are two historic facts for the Alternative Reformed and Dominant Protestant views? What are two theological beliefs of the Alternative Reformed and Dominant Protestant views? How do these two views differ on their beliefs about General Revelation?

8 III. Various Opinions History Beliefs
Perspective #3 – The Alternative Reformed View History Beliefs Prevalent among the Dutch Reformed Up until the mid-1900’s, the Dutch Reformed Church was the most prevalent denomination in the Netherlands; eventually, it was outnumbered by the Roman Catholic Church. These theologians argue in favor of the reality of General Revelation. Having said this, they assert that General Revelation cannot be grasped by the human mind because of the radical effects of sin; hence, they deny the tenet of Natural Theology. An individual must be redeemed before he or she can truly comprehend General Revelation

9 III. Various Opinions History Beliefs
Perspective #5 – The Dominant Protestant View History Beliefs This view has been held by many individuals throughout several eras; yet, it has especially been the prominent view among Protestants since the Reformation. General Revelation exists. Each aspect of every person has been radically corrupted by sin. God pours out common grace on all individuals in order to help depraved minds see Him. All persons do in fact grasp God’s General Revelation (Natural Theology), and they reject it; hence, they are deserving of judgement and in need of redemption.

10 Homework Questions What is the difference between religious liberals, neo-liberals, and post-liberals? What do they have in common?

11 III. Various Opinions History Beliefs
Perspective #4 – Religious Liberal View History Beliefs Epistemological Switch Authority Science Reason Bible 3 Groups Liberals Neo-Liberals Post Liberals Positive view on human nature Lower view on the quality of Scripture

12 Homework Questions Rank the five views in order from the most probable of being true to the least probable. Then, briefly explain your #1 and your #5.

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