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Learning Cornerstone.

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1 Learning Cornerstone

2 Goal/Purpose: To give you an opportunity to get hands-on experience with Cornerstone so that you can easily sign up for Summer 2018 PD sessions when the time comes to do so.

3 What is Cornerstone? Cornerstone is the new system for registering for professional development. It will replace SchoolNet, which will disappear on May 31st.

4 Goodbye, SchoolNet! The district says that all PD on your SchoolNet transcript will transfer over to Cornerstone, but… You should definitely download anything from your SchoolNet transcript that you don’t want to lose.

5 Cornerstone/PowerSchool
Next year Gradespeed and Chancery are going away, and they will be replaced by PowerSchool. You will be able to take attendance, see schedules, input grades, etc., all in one location. Cornerstone and PowerSchool are two separate entities, and PowerSchool training will be provided at some point in the future. PowerSource is a online document and video library with How To's on the different modules available from PowerSchool. Users will have the ability to view distance learning courses on taking attendance and using the PowerTeacher Pro GradeBook. Link to register for PowerSource

6 Getting into Cornerstone
Cornerstone can be located at You log in using your EAD credentials (just like logging onto your ). If you can’t log on, let your librarian know!

7 Updating Your Profile Under the home tab, click Universal Profile.
Under Subjects, you can click the pencil icon and then the paper-on-paper icon to select subjects for PD that are of interest to you. Click save when you are done updating your profile.

8 Finding Courses You can type search terms in 3 different places:

9 Requesting a Course When you find a course you want:
Click the title of the course. Click REQUEST. (In Cornerstone you request a course, rather than registering for one.) Now the course will show up on your transcript. To see your transcript, choose View Your Transcript under the Learning tab.

10 Withdrawing from a Course
If you need to withdraw from a course: Go to your transcript (choose View Your Transcript under the Learning tab). Click the black box to the right of the course, and select Withdraw from the drop down menu. Select a reason for withdrawing, and click Submit. The course will still show up on your transcript, but under the title, the status will say Withdrawn.

11 Uploading External Training – Part 1
If you attend PD outside of the district (at Region X, a conference, etc.), you can upload your course and get credit! Go to your transcript, and click on the 3 dots on the right side of the screen, and click Add External Training.

12 Uploading External Training – Part 2
Fill in all required fields (those marked with a red *) Attach the certificate you received for the training, and click Submit. Now the course will show on your transcript. Make sure to your administrator and ask them to approve your event in Cornerstone.

13 Other Things to Know Most courses will require an evaluation before you will get credit for them. You can complete the evaluation by clicking the black button to the right of a course and choosing Evaluate from the drop down menu. Be aware that administrators can assign you training based on their assessment of your learning needs; so a course may show up on your transcript that you didn’t choose. For how-to videos and more detailed instructions go to or

14 Questions?

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