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One word to describe Philippine Society and Culture

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Presentation on theme: "One word to describe Philippine Society and Culture"— Presentation transcript:

1 One word to describe Philippine Society and Culture

2 Change the culture, Develop the country - Joseph Gonzales

3 1 Cultural Diffusionism
Spread of cultural trends across locations

4 1 Cultural Diffusionism
Used to describe the spread of cultural items from one culture to another

5 McDonalds in Saudi Arabia

6 Kyrgyz herders with their cellphones which they use for taking photos and listening to music. They charge their phones using solar-powered car batteries. Photograph by Matthieu Paley Taken from the National Geographic article on Afghanistan’s Kyrgyz nomads

7 Congo Ethiopan Jesus

8 Korea India

9 Mongolia

10 Assimilation the process whereby individuals or groups of differing ethnic heritage are absorbed into the dominant culture of a society

11 Assimilation May be done through force or done voluntarily
The “native” or original culture may be forgotten Conversion of Jews & Muslims to Roman Catholicism in Spain in the 14th & 15th centuries

12 Acculturation - A process wherein a minority adopts a new culture or way of living  American colonialism and its influence on the Philippines

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