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Your groups will consist of the people at your table!

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Presentation on theme: "Your groups will consist of the people at your table!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Your groups will consist of the people at your table!
The Civilization Game Your groups will consist of the people at your table! Your group will need: 1 large piece of construction paper Markers or colored pencils Notebook paper and pen or pencil

2 Civilization Game You and your band of hunters/gatherers have grown tired of migrating from place to place. You want to settle down and stop moving. You and your people are looking for an area to settle.

3 There can be NO man-made buildings!
Scenario #1 Now draw and map out the area you where you choose to settle. Show all of geographic features of the area that you have chosen. Place your settlement in a location on your map. Remember: There can be NO man-made buildings!

4 If you are geographically…
Scenario #1: Scoring If you are geographically… Near ocean/sea (salt water)—10 points Near river (fresh water)—20 points Near trees—20 points Near rocks/cave/mountains—20 points All of the above—100 points

5 Draw At least one or two tools that will help you with your solution.
Scenario #2 Your population is rapidly growing! It is increasingly more difficult to provide food for your people. What is your solution? You may make/use tools. Again, there should be NO man made buildings!

6 Scenario #2: Scoring Hunting/gathering---10 points
Look for Trade Route (trade) points Farming/Irrigation---30 points All of the above points

7 Regardless of the last scenario, you have decided to start agriculture and domestication… Draw an area of land for farming (product to be farmed) and an area for domestication (include animal) Scenario #3 As your village continues to grow you realize your need for social order. Establish what laws and principles will govern your people and what type of leader(s) you will have.

8 Scenario #3 Scoring Choose/train a scribe to write the laws/history—50 points Name your village—50 points Laws—10 points each Type of Leader – 10 points

9 Where the nearby village is
Draw: Where the nearby village is Scenario #4 A near by village requests your military assistance. Will you give it? If yes, how will this be done? Remember: If you make the wrong decision your village, your leader, or YOU might not survive!

10 Scenario #4 Scoring Render assistance to neighbor—10 points
Attack enemy and defend neighbor—20 points Defend neighbor and defend your home—50 points Invade neighbor to expand civilization then defend home – 80 points

11 Scenario #5 Your village has been prosperous because of your care and watchful eye. People feel safe, they are fed well, they have plenty of goods, but they seem to be lacking something. What element needs to be added to your village to provide more structure? Draw and label these…

12 Scenario #5 Scoring Religion? Built a temple--50 points
Arts? Created art, painting, and/or sculpture—50 points Education? School, scribes, etc.—50 points Form of Entertainment—50 points Built a protective wall – 50 points

13 Scenario #6 Due to your increased population, you are now faced with two issues: sewage and garbage. How might you combat these problems in a similar way that early civilizations did? (Draw these!) Choose poorly and people may leave your city or become ill.

14 Scenario #6 Scoring Civil servants---10 points
Designate garbage area away from the city---20 points Aqueducts/water wells/plumbing system---50 points

15 Scenario #7 Convert your village into a city. Think of all the essentials a city has. What must a city have to survive and prosper?

16 Scenario #7 Scoring Paved roads—50 points Industry----50 points
Single family housing---60 points Multiple family dwellings (apts.)---70 points Hospitals/firehouse/police points Entertainment/sports---90 points Retail/market place points

17 Tally your scores!!! What things stayed the same as your village developed? What things changed? How do your scores compare to other groups within the class?

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