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SEDAR Uncertainty Workshop
Tab G, No. 3 February 22-26, 2010 Charlotte, North Carolina
Some Major Sources of Uncertainty For the Stock Assessment Process
Sampling/Observation Error Input Parameter Uncertainty Model Uncertainty/Structural Complexity Projection Uncertainty Stock Vulnerability Management Implementation Uncertainty Slide from: Jon Brodziak NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center
Input Error Age reader error Ex: red porgy (SEDAR 1)
An extreme example of red porgy. This was dealt with through a sensitivity run assuming one reader group was correct and then running the other through a correction matrix. This issue has since been resolved and was the result of whole versus sectioning reading. South-Atlantic-Assessment-Uncertainty-Review-EHW-final.ppt – slide 5
Input Parameter Uncertainty Red Snapper
study age 0-1 age 1 age 0 problems Szedlmayer, age 0-1 0.54 ~2 Emigration could increase Z, no trawling, so mostly M Nichols (2004) 1.98 0.58 Incomplete selectivity of small fish could decrease Z; Emigration could increase Z Brooks & Porch (2004) ? inefficiency, no contrast in effort, emigration Gazey et al 2008 2.2 1.3 2 1.2 emigration to structure bias Z high RE model est low q for age 0, emigration to structure bias Z high, model mispec. RE model Dens Dep ratios, linear reg. 3.48 3.1 NS 2.96 neg. survival, bias from error stucture, nonsensical regression SEDAR 7 1.5 0.98 0.6 based upon VPA, ratios of surveys 1999 assessment 0.5 0.3 Substantial uncertainty Z M The strict continuity case (run 0) followed SEDAR 7 in using the total offshore (three-area) shrimp trawl effort series to index the mortality rate of juvenile red snapper caught by offshore shrimp trawlers. The panel agreed that the effort expended outside 10 fathoms better represented the observation that over 80% of the shrimp trawl bycatch of red snapper occurs outside of 10 fathoms, while much of the offshore shrimp effort occurs inside 10 fathoms. Accordingly, continuity model 0b and all of the other model formulations described below use the shrimp effort series from greater than 10 fathoms (two-area series). SEDAR Uncertainty GOM_Calay.pptx – slide 37
Stock Assessment Model choice
Data needs Data Model type PAA1 Removal Indices Effort2 M Biology3 Statistical CAA x Delay-difference Age Structured SP Stochastic SRA Catch-survey (stage) Tuned VPA Cohort analysis Surplus production PSA x4 High Group 2 Low Table 1. Some common stock assessment model types and their data requirements, from most complex to least. 1observed proportion-at-age data are not needed in some age-structured models where age composition is inferred using input selectivities. 2fishery-dependent indices indirectly inform the analyses on effort 3some of the biological characteristics used to estimate spawning biomass for estimating spawner-recruit relations are not used in some model formulations 4Productivity-susceptibility analysis, as used in the Southeast U.S., include relative vulnerabilities to different fisheries
Presenting Model Uncertainty
Monte Carlo/Bootstrap procedure Parameters and Output Ex: red grouper South-Atlantic-Assessment-Uncertainty-Review-EHW-final.ppt – slide 22
Trends of SSB ratios E-BFT
Projection Uncertainty Note how confidence intervals quickly widen With further projections Trends of SSB ratios E-BFT 50th percentile 80th percentile Trends of SSB ratios E-BFT An alternate illustration of output uncertainty Uncertainty ICCAT Spp.pptx – slide 5 Eastern bluefin tuna
Management Implementation Uncertainty
Fishermen’s behavior Enforcement Weather Economy Biological unknowns (e.g., average weight of fish)
Gulf of Mexico Regional PSA Results: Snapper
How many with missing data? Of 26 species, nine species are missing some information (the report noted 7 – typo). 6 sp are missing information for 1 attribute 1 sp is missing information for 2 attributes 1 sp is missing information for 3 attributes 1 sp is missing information for 4 attributes
Conclusions Move beyond single ‘run’ when providing results and recommendations. SEDAR should provide an OFL estimate and distribution around that estimate that addresses uncertainty and enables the SSC to determine ABC in accordance with its ABC control rules SEDAR should better communicate uncertainties and the purpose of typical techniques used to evaluate uncertainties SEDAR should strive to improve consistency between assessments SEDAR should strive to explicitly identify the primary and most influential uncertainties at each step of the assessment process……and ensure these are carried forward to subsequent steps? Potential management actions should be linked with projections made through population models
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