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“Daily Bread… Forgive”

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Presentation on theme: "“Daily Bread… Forgive”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Daily Bread… Forgive”
John 6: 32 – 40 Matthew 18:


3 An Archaeological Dig—
The Lord’s Prayer… An Archaeological Dig— “ On surface it seems simple, dig a little deeper it’s complex”

4 Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread

5 Daily: Appears simple, but realize the Greek word used was rare except in this prayer

6 “Day’s necessary things” “Daily Minimum Required”

7 Daily: Understand it is what we NEED, not what we WANT!

8 Bread— 3 Interpretations:
Daily FOOD to nourish our physical bodies

9 Bread— 3 Interpretations: Daily WORD of God to sustain our Souls

10 Bread— 3 Interpretations:
Daily Encounter with Jesus “Bread of Life!” John 6:

11 Forgive Us our Sins AS… WE FORGIVE those who Sin Against Us

12 Quietly reflect on your
inner circle of family & friends… Are we harboring any resentment, anger, or bitterness?

13 Why is it hard to forgive?
1. Inattentive to our own dark spots in our heart

14 Why is it hard to forgive?
“They do not deserve forgiveness”

15 Why is it hard to forgive? 3. Like Peter, we are Weary, Tired, Hurt,
and ask… how OFTEN?

16 Then we HEAR Jesus’ words: Matthew 18:

17 Peter FREE Yourself from counting… Forgiveness has NO NUMBER or END!

18 Peter FREE Yourself from counting… FORGIVENESS is LIBERATING!



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