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By: Austin, Shaine, Jake & Desiree

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1 By: Austin, Shaine, Jake & Desiree
Rastafari By: Austin, Shaine, Jake & Desiree

2 Background “Rastafari”, commonly referred to as Rastafarianism, is an Abrahamic religion. Classified as a new religious movement, rastafarianism lacks any centralised authority and there is much heterogeneity among practitioners, who are known as Rastas. Derived from great poverty, depression, racism and class discrimination, the Rasta message focal points lie on Black pride, Freedom from oppression The hope of return to the African homeland Rastafari belief has been heavily influenced by African tradition and culture as well as the Bible.

3 Background (cont) Originated in Kingston, Jamaica in the 1930’s
Members of the religion or movement reside all over the world “Back to Africa Movement” Teachings of Marcus Garvey to Haile Selassie Demographic


5 Cultural Patterns Language
As the Rastafari movement became more distinct, Rastas inherited and formed their own language. While the widely known fluid dialect of Patois is known-African in rhythm and English in interpretation, Rastas took the diction of Patois and English and formed their own translations, meanings and words Ex: Instead of saying “understand,” Rastas say “overstand,” as to not be under anyone’s definitions. Instead of saying “dedicated,” Rastas say “livicated,” (using the prefix live instead of die). Instead of saying “manifested,” Rastas say “I-nifested,” to incarnate the I is in everything.

6 2. Ganja Contrast to popular belief, ganja, or marijuana was not seen or used as a mere social drug to intoxicate or derail the senses. The Rastas use of marijuana stemmed from a ritualistic and spiritual expression of life. The plant and its properties allowed Rastas to gain clairvoyance, atonement and wisdom. The false stereotype of Rastas smoking herb, growing dreadlocks and carrying less than productive lives are incorrect depictions and create a false image and idea as to what the lifestyle is really about

7 3. Dreadlocks - Like the basis of Rastafari ideology is rooted in African tradition, so is the hairstyle known as “dreadlocks.” Originating in eastern Africa, the hairstyle was worn by warriors and different tribes in Kenya, and a hairstyle of ancient Kemet and Nubia. However in Jamaica, in a post slavery society and Eurocentric culture, the hairstyle was deemed in the early years as “dreadful” in appearance, and proved to be an immediate way to locate those who were not interested in partaking of “normal” way of life.

8 4. Ital The most observant Rastas follow a
dietary law called ital, the name of which is derived from the word "vital." Ital food is food which is completely natural (not canned and free of chemicals and preservatives) and eaten as raw as possible. Old Testament prohibitions against pork and shellfish are part of Ital, but most Rastas are vegetarians or vegans. Coffee and milk are also rejected as unnatural.

9 5. Nyabinghi This term has a series of overlapping meanings within the contemporary Rastafari Movement. It refers variously to the island-wide religious gatherings of Rasta brethren and sistren at which communicants "praise Jah" and "chant down Babylon," to the three-part drum ensemble on which chants are composed, to the African-derived dance-drumming style performed at these events, and to the corpus of chants themselves.

10 Current Concerns, Issues & Challenges
First became popular in the s Slums in Jamaica Biblical Themes No set leadership

11 Religious Text Written by Robert Athlyi Rogers
Portions were withheld from the book Committed suicide in August 1931

12 Other individuals use Rastafarianism so they can live the lifestyle
Some avoid weed, alcohol and more because they believe their bodies to be a temple Other individuals use Rastafarianism so they can live the lifestyle

13 Do not believe in Heaven or an Afterlife
They believe Africa to be Heaven on Earth They believe a true Rasta to be immortal

14 Ontology -words and sounds -n/a materialistic things
-word-sounds used judiciously and precisely -this is considered very powerful to them. -goals... 12O&sig=46- HeYi8tH4Ob0DDimG4qTzYwgo&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiBpvnzqZ3TAhVB1mMKHTUTCzgQ6AEIGjAA#v=onepage&q=on tological%20rastafarian&f=false

15 Epistemology -Religion / Revelation / Faith -Spiritualism
-Emotional Knowledge

16 Religious and Spiritual Beliefs
- one god -Judaism and Christianity -Halie Selassie -“paradise” - old testament and prophecies of the book of revelation. -Jah was manifested on earth as jesus. -all life sacred.

17 Bob Marley. -musician -Faced violence during rasta movement
-brought the rastafarian culture and religion into his music. - “Rasta Culture” was created. -simplicity, love and harmony. -prophet... -made Rastafarianism known -Relevance regardless of religion.

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