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Topic 8: Human Systems and Resource Use

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1 Topic 8: Human Systems and Resource Use
Starter: What are your opinions on human resource use? Do you act on these opinions? How can we make people more likely to act on their beliefs?

2 Human carrying capacities
Carrying capacity – the maximum number of a species that can be sustainably supported by a given area. It is possible to calculate carrying capacity of many species, however, it is difficult to do so for humans. We use more resources that any other species. We substitute resources when other run out. Individual resource use varies amongst individuals. We import/export resources. Developments in technology.

3 How to change carrying capacity
Ecocentrists – Reduce resource use, become self- sufficient. Rainwater, subsistence farming, personal energy generation. Technocentrists – Carrying capacity can be increased continuously with technological innovation. Use resources more efficiently Conventional economist – increase carry capacity Ecological economist – increase efficiency Are these technological advances sustainable?

4 A declining carry capacity?
The degradation of the environment and the utilisation of finite resources will limit human population growth. If we exceed our carrying capacity we risk collapse, maybe even reducing long-term the Earth’s carrying capacity.

5 Reduce Reuse Recycle Repair Rebuy Repurpose
Use The Following Scale To Rank Yourself On The “Rs” Of Sustainable Living Reduce I could do better Hardly Sometimes Frequently Always Reuse Recycle Repair Rebuy Repurpose

6 Ecological Footprint - EF
The area of land and water required to support a defined human population of a given standard of living. A model that allows us to estimate the demands of a human population on the environment. Takes into account the area of land and water required to provide all the resources needed. Includes the land used for habitation/waste/energy production. NOTE: Carrying capacity is how many people the land can support, EF is the amount of land needed to support one person (or sometimes a population such as a city)



9 EF and sustainability If the EF is bigger than the area actually available then this is an indication of unsustainability. It is estimated that globally our EF is 1.5 earths, meaning it takes 18 months to regenerate 12 months of resources used.

10 Research: Qatar has the worlds highest EF and Nepal the lowest
Research: Qatar has the worlds highest EF and Nepal the lowest. What are the reasons for this?

11 Personal EFs
Use the WWF website to do the following: Calculate your own footprint. How could you personally reduce your EF? Now, research Fair Earthshare: What size is a fair earth share of land? How is it calculated?

12 EVSs and EFs Obviously a persons attitude the environment is going to influence how they live their life. Consider how difficult it can be to live sustainably in a country where the norm is to live unsustainably. People do not want to lower their quality of living, this often outweighs the want to look after then environment.

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