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Life Skills Development: UNICEF Jordan Life Skills framework

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1 Life Skills Development: UNICEF Jordan Life Skills framework
 Spheres of life: Life skills for everyday: Skills needed to manage every day, focusing on well-being Life skills for difficult situations and Humanitarian Crisis: reinforcing values, developing resilience, responsibility and respect for self and others committing to avoiding violence and conflict Life skills for Civic Participation : Intellectual and social Civic disposition skills, introducing the theory of change and the change process: 1) Identification, of issues and right violations 2) Analysis 3) Action and 4) Reflection Life skills for for the Life of Work: Promotes work values and introduces employability skills and preparedness to work Dimensions of Learning: 1. Individual Skills or 'Learning to Be‘: Skills for Personal management and Empowerment (self-awareness/esteem, confidence, resilience, stress management) 2. Cognitive Skills or 'Learning to Know‘: Skills for Learning (creativity, critical thinking, decision making, problem-solving) 3. Social Skills or 'Learning to Live Together‘: Skills for Active Citizenship (respect for diversity, empathy, communication assertiveness, negotiation & participation) 4. Instrumental Skills or 'Learning to Do‘: Skills for Employability (appreciative inquiry, planning, team work, leadership and campaigning) UNICEF Life Skills development includes all actions that promote the development of knowledge, abilities, attitudes and values that will enable adolescents and youth to reach their full potential. Life Skills training is crucial to provide young people with the basic skills for a smooth and constructive transition from childhood to adulthood and to take an active role of responsible citizens and community advocates. UNICEF’s framework address life skills in two approaches: one horizontal focusing on four life situations/spheres and one is vertical dimensional focusing on set of skills needed.

2 Employability Skills Development - Getting ready for work framework
Stage I: Get started - Individual Skills or 'Learning to Be‘: Skills for Personal management and Empowerment Understanding skills and qualities for learning, understand your own learning style, how to present and promote yourself, planning for personal development Stage II: Cognitive Skills or 'Learning to Know‘: Skills for Learning Drawing a career path, CV writing, cover letter, job applications, understand the market options and searching for a job, making smart decisions based on interest, skill-set values and tendencies. Stage III: Social Skills or 'Learning to Live Together‘: Skills for Active Citizenship Interviews, how to live in a work environment, how to communicate, provision of constructive feedback, positive attitude and accepting others, negotiation, how to engage positively at work with managers and colleagues. Stage IV: Instrumental Skills or 'Learning to Do‘: Skills for Employability Career development and needs assessment, financial planning, on-the-job training, group work management, management and leadership skills, assessing readiness, entrepreneurship This learning is complemented by ICT and technology and English courses Objective: Economic Development though Improved Employment and Entrepreneurship Employment skills or getting ready for the life of work are non-technical skills and competencies that enhance effective and successful participation in the workplace, and help learners to prove that they are not only technically qualified, but they also have the necessary skills to make and maintain the outcomes of successful work. UNICEF frame demonstrates how to adapt skills to different contexts to meet the needs of certain professions, so the framework covers all basic skills of the competencies (eight skills: communication, group work, problem resolution, initiative and entrepreneurial skill, planning and organization, self-management, learning and technology) in addition to the requirements of getting ready for work, which were identified recently.

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