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Project 3: Development of wireless gas detectors REU Student: Jillian Chandler Graduate mentors: Chris Hughes, Xiaochen Wang, and Alireza Baba Faculty.

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Presentation on theme: "Project 3: Development of wireless gas detectors REU Student: Jillian Chandler Graduate mentors: Chris Hughes, Xiaochen Wang, and Alireza Baba Faculty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project 3: Development of wireless gas detectors REU Student: Jillian Chandler Graduate mentors: Chris Hughes, Xiaochen Wang, and Alireza Baba Faculty Mentor(s): Dr. Cho Week 2 (May 30 – June 2, 2017) Accomplishments: Ordered parts for FONA Created schematics/diagrams for pcb board Created and transferred data to Wolfram databin using Mathematica Issues/problems encountered and solutions (if any): Python is used to program voltmeter and Mathematica is used to send the data to a databin (not the most efficient way of doing things) Raspberry pi can not connect to internet here Pi has to be taken somewhere else to have internet Plans for next week: Set up FONA NSF REU Research Experience on Internet of Things 2017

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