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Solid State Engineering

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1 Solid State Engineering
Instructor:Prof. F. H. Wang

2 Adv. VLSI Tech. / NCHU EE / Prof. F.H.Wang
Schedule Lectures : Friday 09:10-12:00 EE202) Office Hours: Wednesday 09:10-12:00 EE706) Friday 13:30-17:30 EE706) 2018/11/14 Adv. VLSI Tech. / NCHU EE / Prof. F.H.Wang

3 Relation to Other Courses
Electronics (電子學) Solid State Devices (固態電子元件) Semiconductor Devices and Physics(半導體元件物理) Material/Thin-film Analysis (材料/薄膜分析) Advanced VLSI Technology (超大型積體電路尖端製造技術) 2018/11/14 Adv. VLSI Tech. / NCHU EE / Prof. F.H.Wang

4 Adv. VLSI Tech. / NCHU EE / Prof. F.H.Wang
Reading Materials Primary Text: Hong Xiao, “Introduction to Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology”, Prentice Hall, 2001, ISBN (歐亞書局) Course Reader: Lecture notes 2018/11/14 Adv. VLSI Tech. / NCHU EE / Prof. F.H.Wang

5 Adv. VLSI Tech. / NCHU EE / Prof. F.H.Wang
Reading Materials Reference Texts: Fundamental: M. Quick and J. Serda, “Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology”, Prentice Hall, 2001 Peter Van Zant, “Microchip Fabrication” McGraw Hill, 5e. 2004 Advanced: C.Y. Chang & S.M. Sze, “ULSI Technology”, McGraw Hill, 1996. Stanley Wolf, “ Silicon Processing for the VLSI Era ” Lattice Press 2018/11/14 Adv. VLSI Tech. / NCHU EE / Prof. F.H.Wang

6 Adv. VLSI Tech. / NCHU EE / Prof. F.H.Wang
Grading Homework (3 times) – 30% Midterm Exam. – 30% Final Exam – 40% Attendance – +/-6% 100% 2018/11/14 Adv. VLSI Tech. / NCHU EE / Prof. F.H.Wang

7 Adv. VLSI Tech. / NCHU EE / Prof. F.H.Wang
Exam. Schedule Midterm Exam. – 95/11/17 Final Exam. – 96/1/12 2018/11/14 Adv. VLSI Tech. / NCHU EE / Prof. F.H.Wang

8 Adv. VLSI Tech. / NCHU EE / Prof. F.H.Wang
Contents (I) Unit I: Hot (or energetic) Processes Diffusion Thermal Oxidation Ion Implantation Rapid Thermal Processing 2018/11/14 Adv. VLSI Tech. / NCHU EE / Prof. F.H.Wang

9 Adv. VLSI Tech. / NCHU EE / Prof. F.H.Wang
Contents (II) Unit II: Pattern Transfer Optical Lithography Photoresists Etching 2018/11/14 Adv. VLSI Tech. / NCHU EE / Prof. F.H.Wang

10 Adv. VLSI Tech. / NCHU EE / Prof. F.H.Wang
Contents (III) Unit III: Thin Films Physical Deposition: Evaporation and Sputtering (chapter 12) Chemical Vapor Deposition (chapter 13) 2018/11/14 Adv. VLSI Tech. / NCHU EE / Prof. F.H.Wang

11 Adv. VLSI Tech. / NCHU EE / Prof. F.H.Wang
Contents (VI) Unit IV: Process Integration Device Isolation, Contacts, and Metallization CMOS Technologies IC manufacturing 2018/11/14 Adv. VLSI Tech. / NCHU EE / Prof. F.H.Wang

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