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Presentation on theme: "WORLDCOM POWERPOINT GUIDELINES"— Presentation transcript:

Opening WorldComSM mark slide The opening slide of the presentation initially appears as a blank black screen. This allows for the stage to be set while the presenter prepares. The screen remains black until the user clicks. The WorldCom mark appears through the standard ‘slide transition effect’ – ‘fade through black’, which is assigned to this slide. The size and position of the WorldCom mark is fixed. It is aligned with the horizontal and vertical typographic grid (Ctrl G). The WorldCom Orange Path (orange line) is a graphic element which is set to appear automatically using a custom animation. The WorldCom Orange Path is a device which is used on every slide in the presentation. It is applied both to the master items, and the additional styled slides. Note: This slide does not exist as a ‘slide master’ therefore it is recommended that you copy and paste this slide into your presentation. SLIDE 1 © WorldCom11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential

2 South Africa’s Investment in a Telecommunication Infrastructure
WORLDCOM POWERPOINT GUIDELINES Liberalisation Questioned? Presented by Edwin Thompson 24/10/2002 Title slide [Title Slide] The title slide is available as a ‘title master’ and therefore the background is fixed. Text is editable. Type is always black on a white background and set in Verdana with titles set in Verdana Bold. Emphasis can be given to an individual word or phrase by setting them in italic in their existing weight. The WorldCom Orange Path is also positioned on the ‘title master’ slide and has a custom animation effect assigned to it. Legal information also appears on the title slide. General principles All elements such as text and graphics should be positioned within the margins of the slide. These can be seen by viewing the typographic grid (Ctrl G). Text should not be reduced in size or condensed, etc. to accommodate more text (edit the text or use a second slide). Slides should be used only as a prompt for the presenter. SLIDE 2 © WorldCom 11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential SLIDE 2 © WorldCom11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential

1 WORLDCOM POWERPOINT GUIDELINES What is liberalisation ? Section divider slide – Orange Path 1 The section divider slide is a useful way of breaking up a presentation. Five section divider slides have been included in this document, each with its own unique WorldCom Orange Path. If you require more than five section dividers, then simply copy and paste the five that have been provided and renumber them following the original sequence that is shown in this document. The section divider slide has a ‘slide layout’ ‘title only’ applied to it. It takes on the same format as all text slides. The WorldCom Orange Path is placed as a graphic element on this slide with a custom animation assigned to it. Therefore we recommend that you copy and paste this slide into your own presentations. The number of the section always appears on its own line, with the title text appearing beneath, all set in upper case. The text is in a fixed position which is aligned with the horizontal and vertical typographic grid (Ctrl G). Note: This slide does not exist as a ‘slide master’ therefore it is recommended that you copy and paste this slide into your presentation. Before 1996 State owned 100% of Telkom. Today the State owns 70% of Telkom thus 70% of the PSTS market. SLIDE 3 © WorldCom 11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential SLIDE 3 © WorldCom11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential

4 Where are we going with liberalisation ?
WORLDCOM POWERPOINT GUIDELINES We will have choice – Telkom/SNO/Sentech 3 operators, not 2 We will be able to dynamically choose a long distance / International carrier. Potential for additional choice – 2005 Under Serviced Area operators Unfortunately we will have legal challenge Text slide, with title and body text [Bulleted List] This slide and the next slides in this series are text slides and exist as a ‘slide master’ therefore all type, sizes and positions are fixed. You simply have to type into the prompt boxes. The WorldCom Orange Path is also positioned on the ‘slide master’ and has a custom animation effect assigned to it. The layout is set as a ‘title’ box and a ‘text box’. Within the text box there are five levels of type: Level 1 – Body text set in Verdana 18pt with 24pt linefeed Level 2 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 18pt with 24pt linefeed Level 3 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 16pt with 20pt linefeed Level 4 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 15pt with 18pt linefeed Level 5 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 14pt with 17pt linefeed To advance to each level from the previous one, you select ‘demote’ which is the green right arrow on the tool bar. To return to previous level, select ‘promote’ which is the green left arrow on the tool bar. While the text start position is fixed, the text box will grow as you type further down the slide, therefore care and attention should be taken so as not to set type below the bottom margin (2.24”) (see typographic grid ‘Ctrl G’). The slide examples show ideal content scenarios, where information is clear and the slide remains uncluttered. SLIDE 4 © WorldCom 11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential SLIDE 4 © WorldCom11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential

What are the time lines ? WORLDCOM POWERPOINT GUIDELINES SNO Was expected May 2002 Reality, some time in 2003 Sentech Already licensed, effective operation uncertain. Under Serviced Area operators Shortly, however has little impact on market Text slide, with title and body text [Bulleted List] This slide and the next slides in this series are text slides and exist as a ‘slide master’ therefore all type, sizes and positions are fixed. You simply have to type into the prompt boxes. The WorldCom Orange Path is also positioned on the ‘slide master’ and has a custom animation effect assigned to it. The layout is set as a ‘title’ box and a ‘text box’. Within the text box there are five levels of type: Level 1 – Body text set in Verdana 18pt with 24pt linefeed Level 2 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 18pt with 24pt linefeed Level 3 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 16pt with 20pt linefeed Level 4 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 15pt with 18pt linefeed Level 5 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 14pt with 17pt linefeed To advance to each level from the previous one, you select ‘demote’ which is the green right arrow on the tool bar. To return to previous level, select ‘promote’ which is the green left arrow on the tool bar. While the text start position is fixed, the text box will grow as you type further down the slide, therefore care and attention should be taken so as not to set type below the bottom margin (2.24”) (see typographic grid ‘Ctrl G’). The slide examples show ideal content scenarios, where information is clear and the slide remains uncluttered. SLIDE 5 © WorldCom 11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential SLIDE 5 © WorldCom11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential

Who will own what ? WORLDCOM POWERPOINT GUIDELINES Telkom Text slide, with title and body text [Bulleted List] This slide and the next slides in this series are text slides and exist as a ‘slide master’ therefore all type, sizes and positions are fixed. You simply have to type into the prompt boxes. The WorldCom Orange Path is also positioned on the ‘slide master’ and has a custom animation effect assigned to it. The layout is set as a ‘title’ box and a ‘text box’. Within the text box there are five levels of type: Level 1 – Body text set in Verdana 18pt with 24pt linefeed Level 2 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 18pt with 24pt linefeed Level 3 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 16pt with 20pt linefeed Level 4 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 15pt with 18pt linefeed Level 5 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 14pt with 17pt linefeed To advance to each level from the previous one, you select ‘demote’ which is the green right arrow on the tool bar. To return to previous level, select ‘promote’ which is the green left arrow on the tool bar. While the text start position is fixed, the text box will grow as you type further down the slide, therefore care and attention should be taken so as not to set type below the bottom margin (2.24”) (see typographic grid ‘Ctrl G’). The slide examples show ideal content scenarios, where information is clear and the slide remains uncluttered. ? SLIDE 6 © WorldCom 11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential SLIDE 6 © WorldCom11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential

Who will own what ? WORLDCOM POWERPOINT GUIDELINES SNO ? Text slide, with title and body text [Bulleted List] This slide and the next slides in this series are text slides and exist as a ‘slide master’ therefore all type, sizes and positions are fixed. You simply have to type into the prompt boxes. The WorldCom Orange Path is also positioned on the ‘slide master’ and has a custom animation effect assigned to it. The layout is set as a ‘title’ box and a ‘text box’. Within the text box there are five levels of type: Level 1 – Body text set in Verdana 18pt with 24pt linefeed Level 2 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 18pt with 24pt linefeed Level 3 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 16pt with 20pt linefeed Level 4 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 15pt with 18pt linefeed Level 5 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 14pt with 17pt linefeed To advance to each level from the previous one, you select ‘demote’ which is the green right arrow on the tool bar. To return to previous level, select ‘promote’ which is the green left arrow on the tool bar. While the text start position is fixed, the text box will grow as you type further down the slide, therefore care and attention should be taken so as not to set type below the bottom margin (2.24”) (see typographic grid ‘Ctrl G’). The slide examples show ideal content scenarios, where information is clear and the slide remains uncluttered. SLIDE 7 © WorldCom 11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential SLIDE 7 © WorldCom11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential

Who will own what ? WORLDCOM POWERPOINT GUIDELINES Sentech Text slide, with title and body text [Bulleted List] This slide and the next slides in this series are text slides and exist as a ‘slide master’ therefore all type, sizes and positions are fixed. You simply have to type into the prompt boxes. The WorldCom Orange Path is also positioned on the ‘slide master’ and has a custom animation effect assigned to it. The layout is set as a ‘title’ box and a ‘text box’. Within the text box there are five levels of type: Level 1 – Body text set in Verdana 18pt with 24pt linefeed Level 2 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 18pt with 24pt linefeed Level 3 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 16pt with 20pt linefeed Level 4 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 15pt with 18pt linefeed Level 5 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 14pt with 17pt linefeed To advance to each level from the previous one, you select ‘demote’ which is the green right arrow on the tool bar. To return to previous level, select ‘promote’ which is the green left arrow on the tool bar. While the text start position is fixed, the text box will grow as you type further down the slide, therefore care and attention should be taken so as not to set type below the bottom margin (2.24”) (see typographic grid ‘Ctrl G’). The slide examples show ideal content scenarios, where information is clear and the slide remains uncluttered. SLIDE 8 © WorldCom 11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential SLIDE 8 © WorldCom11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential

Who can do what ? WORLDCOM POWERPOINT GUIDELINES Telkom PSTS and VANS SNO Equivalent of Telkom, thus PSTS and VANS Sentech Multimedia ????? Anything except real time interactive voice Under Serviced Area Licensee Geographically limited PSTS and VANS Text slide, with title and body text [Bulleted List] This slide and the next slides in this series are text slides and exist as a ‘slide master’ therefore all type, sizes and positions are fixed. You simply have to type into the prompt boxes. The WorldCom Orange Path is also positioned on the ‘slide master’ and has a custom animation effect assigned to it. The layout is set as a ‘title’ box and a ‘text box’. Within the text box there are five levels of type: Level 1 – Body text set in Verdana 18pt with 24pt linefeed Level 2 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 18pt with 24pt linefeed Level 3 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 16pt with 20pt linefeed Level 4 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 15pt with 18pt linefeed Level 5 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 14pt with 17pt linefeed To advance to each level from the previous one, you select ‘demote’ which is the green right arrow on the tool bar. To return to previous level, select ‘promote’ which is the green left arrow on the tool bar. While the text start position is fixed, the text box will grow as you type further down the slide, therefore care and attention should be taken so as not to set type below the bottom margin (2.24”) (see typographic grid ‘Ctrl G’). The slide examples show ideal content scenarios, where information is clear and the slide remains uncluttered. SLIDE 9 © WorldCom 11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential SLIDE 9 © WorldCom11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential

What is the impact ? WORLDCOM POWERPOINT GUIDELINES Telkom Statistically should retain 80% market share SNO We assume will get a significant portion of the 20% lost Sentech The unknown, likely to get significant share Under Serviced Area Licensee Potential is small and should be new business Text slide, with title and body text [Bulleted List] This slide and the next slides in this series are text slides and exist as a ‘slide master’ therefore all type, sizes and positions are fixed. You simply have to type into the prompt boxes. The WorldCom Orange Path is also positioned on the ‘slide master’ and has a custom animation effect assigned to it. The layout is set as a ‘title’ box and a ‘text box’. Within the text box there are five levels of type: Level 1 – Body text set in Verdana 18pt with 24pt linefeed Level 2 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 18pt with 24pt linefeed Level 3 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 16pt with 20pt linefeed Level 4 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 15pt with 18pt linefeed Level 5 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 14pt with 17pt linefeed To advance to each level from the previous one, you select ‘demote’ which is the green right arrow on the tool bar. To return to previous level, select ‘promote’ which is the green left arrow on the tool bar. While the text start position is fixed, the text box will grow as you type further down the slide, therefore care and attention should be taken so as not to set type below the bottom margin (2.24”) (see typographic grid ‘Ctrl G’). The slide examples show ideal content scenarios, where information is clear and the slide remains uncluttered. SLIDE 10 © WorldCom 11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential SLIDE 10 © WorldCom11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential

Who will own what ? WORLDCOM POWERPOINT GUIDELINES Market share modelling – 1 Year into Liberalisation process if IPO has happened Text slide, with title and body text [Bulleted List] This slide and the next slides in this series are text slides and exist as a ‘slide master’ therefore all type, sizes and positions are fixed. You simply have to type into the prompt boxes. The WorldCom Orange Path is also positioned on the ‘slide master’ and has a custom animation effect assigned to it. The layout is set as a ‘title’ box and a ‘text box’. Within the text box there are five levels of type: Level 1 – Body text set in Verdana 18pt with 24pt linefeed Level 2 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 18pt with 24pt linefeed Level 3 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 16pt with 20pt linefeed Level 4 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 15pt with 18pt linefeed Level 5 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 14pt with 17pt linefeed To advance to each level from the previous one, you select ‘demote’ which is the green right arrow on the tool bar. To return to previous level, select ‘promote’ which is the green left arrow on the tool bar. While the text start position is fixed, the text box will grow as you type further down the slide, therefore care and attention should be taken so as not to set type below the bottom margin (2.24”) (see typographic grid ‘Ctrl G’). The slide examples show ideal content scenarios, where information is clear and the slide remains uncluttered. SLIDE 11 © WorldCom 11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential SLIDE 11 © WorldCom11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential

Who will own what ? WORLDCOM POWERPOINT GUIDELINES Market share modelling – 2 Years into Liberalisation process Text slide, with title and body text [Bulleted List] This slide and the next slides in this series are text slides and exist as a ‘slide master’ therefore all type, sizes and positions are fixed. You simply have to type into the prompt boxes. The WorldCom Orange Path is also positioned on the ‘slide master’ and has a custom animation effect assigned to it. The layout is set as a ‘title’ box and a ‘text box’. Within the text box there are five levels of type: Level 1 – Body text set in Verdana 18pt with 24pt linefeed Level 2 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 18pt with 24pt linefeed Level 3 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 16pt with 20pt linefeed Level 4 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 15pt with 18pt linefeed Level 5 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 14pt with 17pt linefeed To advance to each level from the previous one, you select ‘demote’ which is the green right arrow on the tool bar. To return to previous level, select ‘promote’ which is the green left arrow on the tool bar. While the text start position is fixed, the text box will grow as you type further down the slide, therefore care and attention should be taken so as not to set type below the bottom margin (2.24”) (see typographic grid ‘Ctrl G’). The slide examples show ideal content scenarios, where information is clear and the slide remains uncluttered. SLIDE 12 © WorldCom 11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential SLIDE 12 © WorldCom11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential

Who will own what ? WORLDCOM POWERPOINT GUIDELINES Market share modelling – 3 Years into Liberalisation process Text slide, with title and body text [Bulleted List] This slide and the next slides in this series are text slides and exist as a ‘slide master’ therefore all type, sizes and positions are fixed. You simply have to type into the prompt boxes. The WorldCom Orange Path is also positioned on the ‘slide master’ and has a custom animation effect assigned to it. The layout is set as a ‘title’ box and a ‘text box’. Within the text box there are five levels of type: Level 1 – Body text set in Verdana 18pt with 24pt linefeed Level 2 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 18pt with 24pt linefeed Level 3 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 16pt with 20pt linefeed Level 4 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 15pt with 18pt linefeed Level 5 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 14pt with 17pt linefeed To advance to each level from the previous one, you select ‘demote’ which is the green right arrow on the tool bar. To return to previous level, select ‘promote’ which is the green left arrow on the tool bar. While the text start position is fixed, the text box will grow as you type further down the slide, therefore care and attention should be taken so as not to set type below the bottom margin (2.24”) (see typographic grid ‘Ctrl G’). The slide examples show ideal content scenarios, where information is clear and the slide remains uncluttered. SLIDE 13 © WorldCom 11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential SLIDE 13 © WorldCom11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential

14 What if the IPO does not happen ?
WORLDCOM POWERPOINT GUIDELINES Market share modelling – 3 Years into Liberalisation process Text slide, with title and body text [Bulleted List] This slide and the next slides in this series are text slides and exist as a ‘slide master’ therefore all type, sizes and positions are fixed. You simply have to type into the prompt boxes. The WorldCom Orange Path is also positioned on the ‘slide master’ and has a custom animation effect assigned to it. The layout is set as a ‘title’ box and a ‘text box’. Within the text box there are five levels of type: Level 1 – Body text set in Verdana 18pt with 24pt linefeed Level 2 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 18pt with 24pt linefeed Level 3 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 16pt with 20pt linefeed Level 4 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 15pt with 18pt linefeed Level 5 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 14pt with 17pt linefeed To advance to each level from the previous one, you select ‘demote’ which is the green right arrow on the tool bar. To return to previous level, select ‘promote’ which is the green left arrow on the tool bar. While the text start position is fixed, the text box will grow as you type further down the slide, therefore care and attention should be taken so as not to set type below the bottom margin (2.24”) (see typographic grid ‘Ctrl G’). The slide examples show ideal content scenarios, where information is clear and the slide remains uncluttered. SLIDE 14 © WorldCom 11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential SLIDE 14 © WorldCom11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential

15 Market share conclusion
WORLDCOM POWERPOINT GUIDELINES If there is no IPO there is little significant liberalisation The State will continue to control half of the PSTS market, the IPO being the most significant “liberalisation” of the market Text slide, with title and body text [Bulleted List] This slide and the next slides in this series are text slides and exist as a ‘slide master’ therefore all type, sizes and positions are fixed. You simply have to type into the prompt boxes. The WorldCom Orange Path is also positioned on the ‘slide master’ and has a custom animation effect assigned to it. The layout is set as a ‘title’ box and a ‘text box’. Within the text box there are five levels of type: Level 1 – Body text set in Verdana 18pt with 24pt linefeed Level 2 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 18pt with 24pt linefeed Level 3 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 16pt with 20pt linefeed Level 4 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 15pt with 18pt linefeed Level 5 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 14pt with 17pt linefeed To advance to each level from the previous one, you select ‘demote’ which is the green right arrow on the tool bar. To return to previous level, select ‘promote’ which is the green left arrow on the tool bar. While the text start position is fixed, the text box will grow as you type further down the slide, therefore care and attention should be taken so as not to set type below the bottom margin (2.24”) (see typographic grid ‘Ctrl G’). The slide examples show ideal content scenarios, where information is clear and the slide remains uncluttered. SLIDE 15 © WorldCom 11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential SLIDE 15 © WorldCom11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential

2 WORLDCOM POWERPOINT GUIDELINES What about already Liberalised sectors ? Section divider slide – Orange Path 2 The section divider slide is a useful way of breaking up a presentation. Five section divider slides have been included in this document, each with its own unique WorldCom Orange Path. If you require more than five section dividers, then simply copy and paste the five that have been provided and renumber them following the original sequence that is shown in this document. The section divider slide has a ‘slide layout’ ‘title only’ applied to it. It takes on the same format as all text slides. The WorldCom Orange Path is placed as a graphic element on this slide with a custom animation assigned to it. Therefore we recommend that you copy and paste this slide into your own presentations. The number of the section always appears on its own line, with the title text appearing beneath, all set in upper case. The text is in a fixed position which is aligned with the horizontal and vertical typographic grid (Ctrl G). Note: This slide does not exist as a ‘slide master’ therefore it is recommended that you copy and paste this slide into your presentation. SLIDE 16 © WorldCom 11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential SLIDE 16 © WorldCom11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential

17 What about already Liberalised sectors ?
WORLDCOM POWERPOINT GUIDELINES VANS Traditional VANs Managed Data Networks Virtual Private Networks Legacy networks, Frame Relay, SNA, etc. ISPs Internet Access Providers Virtual Service Providers Other Internet Service provision Text slide, with title and body text [Bulleted List] This slide and the next slides in this series are text slides and exist as a ‘slide master’ therefore all type, sizes and positions are fixed. You simply have to type into the prompt boxes. The WorldCom Orange Path is also positioned on the ‘slide master’ and has a custom animation effect assigned to it. The layout is set as a ‘title’ box and a ‘text box’. Within the text box there are five levels of type: Level 1 – Body text set in Verdana 18pt with 24pt linefeed Level 2 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 18pt with 24pt linefeed Level 3 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 16pt with 20pt linefeed Level 4 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 15pt with 18pt linefeed Level 5 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 14pt with 17pt linefeed To advance to each level from the previous one, you select ‘demote’ which is the green right arrow on the tool bar. To return to previous level, select ‘promote’ which is the green left arrow on the tool bar. While the text start position is fixed, the text box will grow as you type further down the slide, therefore care and attention should be taken so as not to set type below the bottom margin (2.24”) (see typographic grid ‘Ctrl G’). The slide examples show ideal content scenarios, where information is clear and the slide remains uncluttered. SLIDE 17 © WorldCom 11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential SLIDE 17 © WorldCom11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential

18 What do we need to maintain competition in this sector ?
WORLDCOM POWERPOINT GUIDELINES Effective regulatory protection Equal access to facilities – Telecommunications lines etc… Service delivery Service quality Service price Separation of accounting in PSTS No cross subsidisation from basic services Accountability to both shareholders and consumers Simplify the regulatory environment Regulatory cases should not be very technical in nature Text slide, with title and body text [Bulleted List] This slide and the next slides in this series are text slides and exist as a ‘slide master’ therefore all type, sizes and positions are fixed. You simply have to type into the prompt boxes. The WorldCom Orange Path is also positioned on the ‘slide master’ and has a custom animation effect assigned to it. The layout is set as a ‘title’ box and a ‘text box’. Within the text box there are five levels of type: Level 1 – Body text set in Verdana 18pt with 24pt linefeed Level 2 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 18pt with 24pt linefeed Level 3 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 16pt with 20pt linefeed Level 4 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 15pt with 18pt linefeed Level 5 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 14pt with 17pt linefeed To advance to each level from the previous one, you select ‘demote’ which is the green right arrow on the tool bar. To return to previous level, select ‘promote’ which is the green left arrow on the tool bar. While the text start position is fixed, the text box will grow as you type further down the slide, therefore care and attention should be taken so as not to set type below the bottom margin (2.24”) (see typographic grid ‘Ctrl G’). The slide examples show ideal content scenarios, where information is clear and the slide remains uncluttered. SLIDE 18 © WorldCom 11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential SLIDE 18 © WorldCom11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential

19 The regulator must be supported !
WORLDCOM POWERPOINT GUIDELINES What support is needed Financial support Legislative Support Respect from Industry Liberalisation requires an efficient, well funded, effective and respected regulatory environment Text slide, with title and body text [Bulleted List] This slide and the next slides in this series are text slides and exist as a ‘slide master’ therefore all type, sizes and positions are fixed. You simply have to type into the prompt boxes. The WorldCom Orange Path is also positioned on the ‘slide master’ and has a custom animation effect assigned to it. The layout is set as a ‘title’ box and a ‘text box’. Within the text box there are five levels of type: Level 1 – Body text set in Verdana 18pt with 24pt linefeed Level 2 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 18pt with 24pt linefeed Level 3 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 16pt with 20pt linefeed Level 4 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 15pt with 18pt linefeed Level 5 – Bulleted body text set in Verdana 14pt with 17pt linefeed To advance to each level from the previous one, you select ‘demote’ which is the green right arrow on the tool bar. To return to previous level, select ‘promote’ which is the green left arrow on the tool bar. While the text start position is fixed, the text box will grow as you type further down the slide, therefore care and attention should be taken so as not to set type below the bottom margin (2.24”) (see typographic grid ‘Ctrl G’). The slide examples show ideal content scenarios, where information is clear and the slide remains uncluttered. SLIDE 19 © WorldCom 11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential SLIDE 19 © WorldCom11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential

3 Conclusion WORLDCOM POWERPOINT GUIDELINES SIMPLIFY REGULATION AND ENCOURAGE LIBERALISATION Section divider slide – Orange Path 3 The section divider slide is a useful way of breaking up a presentation. Five section divider slides have been included in this document, each with its own unique WorldCom Orange Path. If you require more than five section dividers, then simply copy and paste the five that have been provided and renumber them following the original sequence that is in this document. The section divider slide has a ‘slide layout’ ‘title only’ applied to it. It takes on the same format as all text slides. The WorldCom Orange Path is placed as a graphic element on this slide with a custom animation assigned to it. Therefore we recommend that you copy and paste this slide into your own presentations. The number of the section always appears on its own line, with the title text appearing beneath, all set in upper case. The text is in a fixed position which is aligned with the horizontal and vertical typographic grid (Ctrl G). Note: This slide does not exist as a ‘slide master’ therefore it is recommended that you copy and paste this slide into your presentation. SLIDE 20 © WorldCom 11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential SLIDE 20 © WorldCom11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential

21 How do we simplify regulation and encourage Liberalisation ?
WORLDCOM POWERPOINT GUIDELINES Facilities based regulation Only regulate something that inconveniences uninvolved parties Allow innovation in services Text slide with title, image and text [object & text] The image is cropped to a height of 4.46”. Its position is as shown on the slide. It is aligned with the text (unlike typical full-bleed picture slides, see slide 15, ‘Title to dark full-bleed image’ slide) using the vertical typographic grid (Ctrl G). Rectangular images of this type should be 417 x 429 pixels at 96ppi. Color images should be saved as RGB (Red Green Blue) .jpg (JPEG) format from your image editing application. Black and white images should be saved as greyscale .jpg files. When creating this slide from the AutoLayout (right), you must manually adjust the text boxes to align with the typographic grid. Also you must increase the type size to match the type specifications SLIDE 21 © WorldCom 11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential SLIDE 21 © WorldCom11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential

Closing WorldCom mark slide The presentation ends with a repeat of the opening slide. The WorldCom Orange Path on this slide will appear automatically. This slide can also be used as a holding slide, e.g. between presenters. The size of the WorldCom mark and its position are fixed. It is aligned with the horizontal and vertical typographic grid (Ctrl G). The Worldcom Orange Path is a graphic element which is set to appear using a custom animation. Note: This slide does not exist as a ‘slide master’ therefore it is recommended that you copy and paste this slide into your presentation. When the presentation is finished, this slide can be either left on screen, thus promoting the WorldCom mark or a single click will, through a standard ‘slide transition effect’, fade the slide through to a black final slide. SLIDE 22 © WorldCom11/14/2018 WorldCom proprietary & confidential


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