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Domus Romana A Tour of a Roman House By Magistra Maitland Roman House

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1 Domus Romana A Tour of a Roman House By Magistra Maitland Roman House

2 benedictum in vestibulo est.
vestibulum “SALVE LUCRUM” vestibulum = entry Salve lucrum = welcome wealth Benedictum in vestibulo est = the greeting is in the entry benedictum in vestibulo est.

3 atrium et impluvium impluvium est in atrio. aqua in impluvio est.
Atrium (living room/atrium) & impluvium (pool of water) The impluvium is in the atrium. Water is in the impluvium.

4 impluvium statua in impluvio est. Impluvium = pool of water
The statue is in the pool of water. statua in impluvio est.

5 lararium lares sunt in larario. lararium in atrio est.
Lararium = shrine to household gods The lares (household gods) are in the shrine. The shrine is in the atrium.

6 pater scribit in tablino.
tablinum Tablinum = study The father writes in the study. (left picture shows a wallpainting in the study. Right shows the atrium/pool in foreground, with study in middleground and garden in background) pater scribit in tablino.

7 hortus in peristylio est.
hortus et peristylium Hortus (garden) & peristylium (colonnaded walkway) The man sits in the garden. The garden is in the peristyle (walkway). vir in horto sedet. hortus in peristylio est.

8 canis in peristylio est.
peristylium Peristylium – covered walkway The dog is in the peristyle. (Notice again the wall paintings.) canis in peristylio est.

9 servus in culinā laborat.
culina Culina – kitchen The slave works in the kitchen. servus in culinā laborat.

10 Quintus bibit in triclinio.
triclinium Triclinium = dining room (many homes had one off the garden to be used in nice weather and another off the atrium to be used in winter or poor weather. Quintus drinks in the dining room. (notice the arrangement of 3 couches – 3=tri – around a central table) Quintus bibit in triclinio.

11 cubiculum lectus in cubiculo est. mater in lecto dormit.
Cubiculum = bedroom, lectus = couch/bed The bed is in the bedroom. The mother sleeps in the bed. lectus in cubiculo est. mater in lecto dormit.

12 Model Sentences - What’s going on?
vestibulum benedictum in vestibulo est. atrium impluvium est in atrio. impluvium aqua in impluvio est. lararium lares sunt in larario. tablinum pater scribit in tablino. hortus vir sedet in horto. peristylium canis est in peristylio. culina servus in culinā laborat. triclinium Quintus bibit in triclinio. cubiculum lectus in cubiculo est. lectus mater in lecto dormit. Review the model sentences. Notice the endings change in the sentences – this indicates ablative case/place where.

13 Ablative of Place Where
Used with the preposition “in” Nouns ending in -a, add a long mark to get -ā Nouns ending in –us or –um, switch the ending to -o

14 Practicing the Ablative
Give the ablative for aqua & culina aquā …….. culinā Give the ablative for hortus & lectus horto ……. lecto Give the ablative for atrium & tablinum atrio ……… tablino

15 In Latin, how would you say…
In the garden……. In the kitchen….… In the bedroom…. In the atrium……. In the water……... In the study……. in horto in culinā in cubiculo in atrio in aquā in tablino

16 (Give yourselves a round of applause)
Great Job Everyone! Se Plaudite! (Give yourselves a round of applause)

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