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Dr. Harriet Dismore Educational Developer Teaching and Learning Support Emma Purnell Senior Learning Technologist ASTI.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Harriet Dismore Educational Developer Teaching and Learning Support Emma Purnell Senior Learning Technologist ASTI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Harriet Dismore Educational Developer Teaching and Learning Support Emma Purnell Senior Learning Technologist ASTI

2 Plymouth Compass In the last decade - many UK and international universities have developed sets of graduate attributes that describe the skills, personal attributes, and values that characterise the core achievement of their graduates during their entire university experience. Our graduate attribute framework has been developed through consultation with a working group of students, academic, and professional services staff, and a comprehensive review of the literature on graduate skills and attributes (including national reports, academic literature, sector guidance, and the University’s Postgraduate Prospectus, 2015 and Skills Plus, 2003). Maritime history and its pioneering spirit, Plymouth Compass Not intended as statement of student entitlement or as an intention or promise of academic delivery – but navigational device. The framework presents a common language for those skills, competences, and attributes needed to shape our students’ and society’s future during their lifetimes - communicated beyond the university. Inter-linked. Inspired by University’s core values, and is in alignment with the University’s 2020 Strategy and Higher Education Academy frameworks (Internationalising HE, 2014; Employability, 2013), as well as broader societal trend reports.

3 The Plymouth Graduate Compass is a set of ‘future-facing’ attributes
The Plymouth Graduate Compass is a set of ‘future-facing’ attributes. It is intended as a navigational tool to help students and staff in partnership to define, recognise and develop the attributes that characterise the Plymouth University graduate. It broadly aims to equip graduates with the attributes and skills that can guide and enhance their academic, professional, civic, and personal lives. Statement – on website

4 Whole person development – The Sustainable and Global Citizen (PU national and internationally recognised as leader in sustainability)

5 PDF downloadable from Compass webpage
Materials available to everyone – if not involved in pilot, then most info and signposting is on website – have a look!

6 By prospective students
The framework is intended to be used in a variety of ways: By students By academic staff By employers By prospective students Primarily, to offer current students a coherent narrative of the university experience that helps them seek, identify, and take up opportunities for personal, academic, civic, and professional development, within both the formal and informal curriculum. Webpages To assist academic staff in their ongoing evaluation and design of balanced, engaging, and relevant academic modules and programmes, which offer students the opportunity to develop many, if not all, of these attributes within the formal curriculum. (mapping tool soon on website; tutoring Portfolio) (CPD available Navigating Employability with the Plymouth Compass – TLS website and book on event) To send a strong and distinct signal to employers about Plymouth University graduates’ employability. – what is distinctive about Plymouth graduates To highlight and market Plymouth’s distinctiveness and offer to prospective students.

7 Compass Portfolio – pilot, around 500 students, across each faculty.

8 Plymouth Extra

9 New website showcasing the University’s extra-curricular offer
Promoted through: Staff Bulletins & Senior Personal Tutor briefing UPSU including social media PU mobile app Faculty welcome parties & screens across campus upcoming piece in new Student Bulletin second phase due to start mid-semester

10 Plymouth Extra Catalogue
Around 250 activities Delivered across faculties, professional services and UPSU Browse entire catalogue or search by: Key word e.g. cv, Spanish Type e.g. competitions, UPSU roles, volunteering and community engagement

11 Activity Pages Each activity has its own webpage with a description and key information e.g. Who it is available to Expected hours of commitment Costs Further information links/ key contacts Each activity is mapped against the Plymouth Compass attributes it develops

12 HEAR and Compass Portfolio
Protocol agreed for verifiable, suitable activities that when completed will be recorded in Section 6 HEAR 16/17 Presently around 85 activities Work underway to link Plymouth Extra to Compass Portfolio Possible signposting Will automatically record HEAR activities and have drop down menu of templates for recording all others Also prompt students to reflect

13 Interested in adding an activity?
URL Interested in adding an activity? Contact

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