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Digestive System Questions

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1 Digestive System Questions

2 1. Both aid in the breakdown and absorption of food.
Mechanical: food is physically broken down Chemical: food is broken down further into nutrients that can be absorbed by cells

3 2. Ingesting food -> breaking down food -> absorbing nutrients -> eliminating indigestable material.

4 3. Mechanically by chewing and chemically by salivary amylase

5 4. The glottis is the opening to the trachea (larynx) for air
The epiglottis covers the glottis when a person swallows to prevent food from entering the lungs

6 5. GERD: gastroesophageal reflux disease
May lead to the development of an ulcer, difficulty swallowing and esophageal cancer

7 6. Mucosa: epithelial tissue lining the lumen. Has special cells that secrete digestive juices (glandular epithelial cells) and mucous (goblet cells) Submucos: connective tissue Muscularis: smooth muscle Serosa: simple squamous epithelium that secretes serous fluid

8 7. The acidity in the stomach kills bacteria and also activates pepsinogen to pepsin (digestive enzyme).

9 Absorbs water, salts and some vitamins and eliminates indigestible material as feces.


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