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Solubility Polarity Saturation.

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Presentation on theme: "Solubility Polarity Saturation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solubility Polarity Saturation

2 Solubility Solubility Like Dissolves Like
The ability of one substance to dissolve into another at a given temperature and pressure Like Dissolves Like Polar compounds tend to dissolve in other polar compounds, nonpolar compounds tend to dissolve in other nonpolar compounds.

3 Miscibility Miscible liquids that are completely soluble with each other are described as being miscible in each other Link

4 Solubility's of Solid Compounds
If a solid has been broken into small particles, the surface area is much greater and the rate of the dissolving process is increased. Increasing the temperature is effective because, in general, solvent molecules with greater kinetic energy can dissolve more solute particles.

5 Solubility vs Temp

6 Saturation Saturated Solution Unsaturated Solution
When the maximum amount of solute is dissolved in a solution. Unsaturated Solution Solution where more solute can be added to a solution and dissolve Supersaturated Solution Have more solute dissolved than the solubility indicates would normally be possible, but only as long as there is no excess undissolved solute remaining.

7 solubility equilibrium
is the physical state in which the opposing processes of dissolution and crystallization of a solute occur at equal rates. It is a state of dynamic equilibrium. There is constant exchange, yet there is no net change.

8 Effervescence

9 Electrical Conductivity in Solutions Link
ability to conduct an electric current. Electrolyte a substance that dissolves in a liquid solvent and provides ions that conduct electricity. Strong electrolytes completely dissociate into ions and conduct electricity well. Ionic compounds are usually strong electrolytes. Weak electrolytes provide few ions in solution.

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