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1 Prehistory-Civilization

2 Paleolithic “Old Stone” Age around 2 million BC
Hunting and gathering societies “Lucy”-Earliest example Homo genus lived during this time period Around 1 million BC early humans were on the move, and out of Africa Major changes in the Homo genus: 1. Stand and walk upright easily 2. Change of teeth structure due to diet 3. Increased skills of opposable thumb 4. Changes in size and shape of skull **Most Advantageous Change?


4 Human changes The increased skull size and shape allowed for a bigger brain than other animals Humans used brains to develop artifacts, particularly tools Also help with verbal communication

5 Lucy 3.6 million years old 1st Homo genus bipedal fossil found
Only 3’6” tall Still part tree dwelling

6 Turkana Boy Homo erectus or stand upright easily 1.6 million years old
Age 10-11, 5’3” was going to be around 6’ Found in Africa

7 Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon
Neanderthal-230,000 years ago Brain size larger than humans today Extremely strong Cro-Magnon has the same size brain as humans today 35,000 years old Same size and structure as humans today except stronger

8 Ice Ages 4 distinctive Ice Ages occurred Negatives: Extinction!
Positives: Innovations, and spread of Man Migrations occurred due to lowered sea levels, frozen water, and exposed land bridges

9 Early Human Accomplishments
Happened near end of Paleolithic and start of Neolithic Manufactured range of stone and bone tools Controlled fire: 3 reasons Developed spoken language Formulated artistic tradition Created ritual practices Organized social groups

10 Early Paleolithic Village
Trying to be more permanent Hazards of early city life: diseases, polluted water, and food shortages Skeletal evidence shows early farmers/villagers lived shorter than that of the hunter/gatherer-less than 30 years

11 Neolithic “New Stone”Age
Humans assure themselves regular food supply by developing agricultural techniques and domestication Effects of this: A. rapid increase in population, B. founding of permanent settlements, and C. Social Structures

12 Agricultural Revolution
Not a sudden revolution but over 1000s of years Fertile Crescent or modern day Iraq was the beginning location Growing of grain and domestication of animals Permanent settlements-crude houses, villages were fortified Labor specialization began to be more common due to food surplus. More time on their hands to do other things besides work in fields.

13 Change in Gender Roles Prior to agricultural revolution women and men considered equal in social status Roles changed as civilization began due to farming and war Women’s role began to be house and family related Heroic actions in war and accumulation of wealth turned the power emphasis toward men

14 Civilization Characteristics
Cities Well-organized governments Complex religions Social Classes Job Specialization Arts and Architecture Public Works Writing

15 Civilization What is your definition of civilization?
History defines “civilized” in a neutral, descriptive way. Many define civilization in terms of urbanization.

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