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Korean & Vietnam Wars.

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1 Korean & Vietnam Wars

2 Korean War After WWII, US & USSR split Korea @ 38th parallel
N. ruled by Kim IL Sung (communist) S. ruled by Syngham Rhee 1950 N. Korea invaded and overran much of the South

3 US organized a UN force led by MacArthur
Bold plan to Inchon, drove North back to Chinese border Mao Zedong (China) sent troops to help N. & pushed US back , turned into a stalemate Korean War, Inchon Video.asf Lieutenant Baldomero Lopez climbing the sea Inchon

4 1953 signed an armistice, created DMZ @ 38th parallel, no peace treaty has ever been signed
South Korea has prospered (Asian Tiger) N. Korea extreme poverty (led by Kim Jong IL

5 II. Vietnam War French wanted to regain Indochina but faced fierce guerilla resistance led by Ho Chi Minh Agreed to temp. division in 1954, Minh ruled North Supposed to have elections to reunite the country but US feared that the communists would win

6 US policy of containment, domino theory
1st sent only advisors Then sent 500,000 troops, South could not defeat the communist guerilla (NVA) N. launched Tet Offensive behind enemy lines in 1968 (we won the battle but lost public opinion) Vietnam War Tet Offensive Video.asf Nixon arranged cease fire in 1973, 2 years later North captures Saigon and Vietnam is united under communism

7 III. Why did the communists win?
Southern leaders were not popular, very corrupt Minh was a war hero against the French & Japanese Guerilla warfare, dug in, underground enemy Media & public opinion

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