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The Vietnam War MacCarthy.

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Presentation on theme: "The Vietnam War MacCarthy."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Vietnam War MacCarthy

2 Essential Questions How did America role change during the Vietnam Conflict? Create a Brace map showing the changes and how they were caused What were the frustrations of US soldiers fighting in Vietnam? Create a bubble map describing the frustration of soldiers

3 Essential Questions How did America role change during the Vietnam Conflict? What were the frustrations of US soldiers fighting in Vietnam?

4 The Beginning Why was the US involved in the problems in Vietnam?
What did the US do to help “Stop the spread of Communism”? Which 3 presidents were involved before 1963?

5 The Beginning 1964 Viet Cong and North Vietnamese taking control
Johnson wants to bomb North Vietnam Why couldn’t President Johnson declare war on North Vietnam?

6 The Beginning US destroyer attacked twice, why was it fishy?
Congress approves the military force Begin to bomb North Vietnam 75,000 in 1965/536,000 in1968 Escalation

7 Frustration US=Superior Limited War-China and USSR Young soldiers
Inexperienced No front line

8 Frustration Guerilla Warfare, Who else used this? Booby traps
Climate and land Motivation, defending their land, Where did we see this before?

9 Destruction Agent Orange Napalm Search-and-Destroy
Napalm Search-and-Destroy Vietnamese citizens turn against the US

10 Tet Offensive War nearly over, US winning Tet holiday celebration
Sneak into cities Attack over 20 locations at the same time War not close to being over

11 Sinking 1968-Johnson seeks peace and will not run for reelection
US soldiers see no point to the war My Lai massacre-unarmed civilians Americas morale low in Vietnam and in the US

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