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Globalization & Economics

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Presentation on theme: "Globalization & Economics"— Presentation transcript:

1 Globalization & Economics

2 What is Economic Globalization?
Interrelations Capital & technology  trade Types of trade Primary goods Manufactured goods Shipping lanes Services

3 Globalizing the Economic System
Bretton Woods Agreement (1944) IMF, WB US foreign investment MNCs, military, IGOs End of Gold Standard (1971) Fixed to floating rate Shift to NEM  single global market Remove gov’t from economy WTO, Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) ↑ regional economic IGOs = regimes EU, ASEAN, etc.

4 Globalizing the Economic System (cont.)
Financial mobility Deregulation Tariffs Privatization Foreign direct investment (FDI) Technology Moving money Bottom line Market globalism dominates More people than not benefit

5 Trade & Finance Criticisms (DQ 1)
General Challenge cultural norms Challenge state sovereignty Finance High risk transactions ‘Hedge funds’ Collateralized debt Uneven access Loan conditions More volatile system

6 Trade & Finance Criticisms (cont.)
Colonizers MNCs have $$$ = power Challenge policies Profit-driven ‘Race to the bottom’ Exploitative Concentrate wealth Concentrates wealth Lack global standards Labor Environment Force to open economy

7 About Outsourcing Reshoring Outsourcing Using 3rd party Offshoring
Foreign party Suppliers become competitors Reshoring Jobs return

8 How the Filipinos Benefit (DQ 2)
Domestic job options Some work from home Foreign job opportunities Balikbayan Infrastructure Important source of FDI Helps stop brain drain

9 Consequences to Filipinos (DQ 3)
$ big appeal = ↓ in practicing profession, continuing education, etc. Gov’t subsidies by some other countries Grunt work v. innovation Night shifts Better pay overseas = brain drain

10 Recap Neoliberal Economic Model GN dominates in all sectors
Push for gl. governance 1 rule for all Regimes to set norms GN dominates in all sectors Trade, investment, MNCs, in IGOs Sovereign interests Use IGOs, FTAs Push for/ resist free exchange Criticisms of neoliberalism Global civil society

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