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The Mongols 1200-1500.

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Presentation on theme: "The Mongols 1200-1500."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Mongols

2 Overview Traditionally reviled for their brutality
Now seen as important for uniting Eurasia for 1st time Mongol empire became noteworthy for peace and prosperity

3 Mongol Society Nomadic herders Sophisticated horsemen
Basic organizational unit-the tribe Leaders were elected United only in response to external threats

4 Genghis Khan Born “Temujin”-1170’s Great warrior who gained followers
Named Genghis Khan in 1206, uniting tribes Mongols now planned a campaign of world domination



7 Empire split into 4 parts after GK’s death

8 Russia Princes had to submit, pay tribute Feudalism developed
Moscow rose in importance Orthodox Church thrived-toleration Russia cut off from developments in W. Europe

9 Europe Mounted expedition to E. Europe in mid-1200’s
Never reached W. Europe (death of Ogedai and succession crisis) Mongol-dominated Silk Road brought plague to Europe in 1347

10 Middle East Persia resisted Mongol assault, was annihilated
Baghdad fell in 1258-end of Abbasid Caliphate Destruction of ME irrigation had long-term impact Islamic learning diffused throughout Mongol empire

11 China Campaign against Song directed by Kublai Khan
Established Yuan Dynasty Separation between Mongols-Chinese Capital built in Beijing


13 Decline Infighting and disease as major causes
By mid-1300’s, Mongols faced rebellions in Persia and China Mongol power faded in Russia during mid-1400’s Turks filled vacuum in ME and India, Ming in China

14 Global Impact Linked Eurasian lands more directly than ever before
Diffusion of language, culture, religion, tech, etc. Mongol decline by 1400 made sea routes more attractive Plague

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