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«بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم»

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1 «بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم»
An-Najah National University (Faculty Of Medicine And Health Science) Nursing Department Career Development Prepared by : - Haneen Najjar - Mohmed Alawneh Supervision by : Ms. Samah Ishteah

2 LEARNING OBJECTIVES The learners will be able:
Describe the impact of a career development program on employee. Differentiate among stages of a career Differentiate between the employer’s and employee’s responsibilities for career development Define competency and identify strategies for assuring Develop a personal career plan

3 Introduction To be a fully engaged professional requires commitment to
career development. Career development is intentional career planning and should be viewed as a critical and deliberate life process involving both the individual and the employer. It provides individuals with choices about career outcomes rather than leaving it to chance


5 Career Stages … Before individuals can plan a successful career development program, they need to understand the normal career stages of individuals. There are three different career phases or stages among nurses: Promise , Momentum , and Harvest.

6 Cont. .. Promise: Is the earliest of the career phases and typically reflects the first 10 years of nursing employment. - Individuals in this stage are less experienced and tend to experience reality overload as a result nursing role: Building knowledge, skills, abilities, credentials, and an education base; gaining exposure to a variety of experiences; identifying strengths and building confidence; and positioning for the future.

7 Cont. .. Momentum : is the middle career phase and typically reflects the nurse with 11 to 29 years of experience. Nurses in this phase are experienced clinicians with expert knowledge, skills, abilities, credentials, and education base. This is a time of accomplishment, challenge, and a sense of purpose, and the individual often achieves a high enough level of expertise to be a role model to others

8 Cont. .. The last stage, harvest : commences in late career. Shirley labels nurses with 30 to 40 years as having “prime” experience and nurses with more than 40 years of experience as being “legacy” clinicians

9 Justifications For Career Development
1. Reduces employee attrition 2. Provides equal employment opportunity 3. Improves use of human resources 4. Improves quality of work life 5. Improves competitiveness of the organization 6. Builds new skills 7. Promotes evidence-based practice

10 Individual Responsibility :Career Development
Despite the many obvious benefits of career development programs, some nurses never create a personal career plan or set goals they wish to accomplish during their career. Instead, nursing becomes just a job and not a career

11 Cont … Career development should begin with an assessment of self as well as one’s work environment, job analysis, education, training, job search and achievement, and work experience. This is known as career planning. Career planning includes evaluating one’s strengths and weaknesses, setting goals, examining career opportunities, preparing for potential opportunities, and using appropriate developmental activities.

12 :Career Planning Career planning in nursing should begin with an individual’s decision about educational entry level for practice and quickly expand to developing advanced skills in an area of nursing practice. Even for the entry-level nurse, career planning should include, at minimum, a commitment to the use of evidence-based practice, learning new skills or bettering practice by using role models and mentors, staying aware of and being involved in professional issues, and furthering one’s education. At best, it should include long-term career goals as well as a specific plan to achieve lifelong learning.

13 The Organization’s Responsibility For Career Development
Organizations also have responsibilities for career development. One of the organization’s responsibilities for career development is: The creation of career paths and advancement/ career ladders (“a structured sequence of job positions through which a person can progress in an organization”)

14 Career Development For employees, It must also attempt to match position openings with appropriate people. This includes accurately assessing employees’ performance and potential in order to offer the most appropriate career guidance, education, and training.

15 :Career Coaching Career coaching involves helping others to identify professional goals and career options And then designing a career plan. The Executive Coaching Network suggests that career coaches serve as “facilitators, motivators, consultants and sounding boards dealing with business goals, people interaction and self-management issues. While behavior change will often be a key focus, the coach’s role is not that of a therapist. It is not about unraveling personalities, but often involves people doing things differently in the workplace”

16 Career Coaching Typically Has Three Steps:
1-Gathering data :One of the best ways to gather data about employees is to observe their behavior. When managers spend time observing employees, they are able to determine who has good communication skills, who is well organized, who uses effective negotiating skills, and who works Collaboratively 2-Asking what is possible : As part of career planning, the manager should assess the department for possible changes in the future, openings or transfers, and potential challenges and opportunities.

17 Career Coaching Typically Has Three Steps:
3-Conducting the coaching session : The goals of career coaching include helping employees increase their effectiveness; identifying potential opportunities in the organization; and advancing their knowledge, skills, and experience. Career coaching, then, can be either short or long term. In short-term career coaching, the manager regularly asks the employees questions to develop and motivate them. Thus, short-term coaching is a spontaneous part of the experienced manager’s repertoire.

18 Career Coaching Typically Has Three Steps:
Long-term career coaching, on the other hand, is a planned management action that occurs over the duration of Employment.


20 Management Development:
Management development is a planned system of training and developing people so that they acquire the skills, insights, and attitudes needed to manage people and their work effectively within the organization. Management development is often referred to as succession planning.

21 Management Development:
The first step in the process would be an assessment of the present management team and an analysis of possible future needs. The second step would be the establishment of a training and development program. The inclusion of social learning activities also is a valuable part of management development. Management development will not be successful unless learners have plenty chance to try out new skills.

22 Competency Assessment As Part Of Career Development
Competency assessment and professional specialty certification are also a part of career management. Professional is “a person formally certified by a professional body or belonging to a specific profession by virtue of having completed a required course of studies and/or practice, and whose competence can usually be measured against an established set of standards”

23 Competency Assessment as Part Of Career Development
Unfortunately, in many states, a practitioner is determined to be competent when initially licensed and thereafter, unless proven otherwise. Yet, clearly, passing a licensing exam and continuing to work as a clinician does not assure competence throughout a career. Competence requires continual updates to knowledge and practice, and this is difficult in a health-care environment.


25 Competency Assessment
Current competence assessments often focus more on skills than they do on knowledge. Competency assessment and goal setting in career planning should help the employee identify how to exceed these levels of competency.

Professional specialty certification is one way an employee can demonstrate advanced achievement of competencies. To achieve professional certification, nurses must meet eligibility criteria that may include years and types of work experience, as well as minimum educational levels, active nursing licenses, and successful completion of a nationally administered examination Certifications normally last 5 years.

27 Integrating Leadership Roles And Management Functions In Career Development …
It is clear that appropriate career management should promote positive career development, alleviate burnout, reduce attrition, and promote productivity. Management functions in career development include disseminating career information and posting job openings. The manager should have a well-developed, planned system for career development for all employees; this system should include long-term coaching, the appropriate use of transfers, and how promotions are to be handled. These policies should be fair and communicated effectively to all employees.

28 Integrating Leadership Roles And Management Functions In Career Development …
With the integration of leadership, managers become more aware of how their own values shape personal career decisions. In addition, the leader-manager shows genuine interest in the career development of all employees. Career planning is encouraged, and potential leaders are identified and developed. Present leaders are rewarded when they see those, whom they have helped to develop, advance in their careers and in turn develop leadership and management skills in others.

29 Integrating Leadership Roles And Management Functions In Career Development …
unfortunately, in many states, a practitioner is determined to be competent when initially licensed and thereafter, unless proven otherwise. Yet, clearly, passing a licensing exam and continuing to work as a clinician does not assure competence throughout a career. Competence requires continual updates to knowledge and practice, and this is difficult in a health-care environment

30 REFERENCES -American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). (2012, August). Nursing shortage. Retrieved June 7, 2013, from Fact Sheets/NursingShortage.htm -Avoiding Bad Hires Requires Healthcare Insight, Auditing. (2013). Healthcare Risk Management, 35(2), 19. -‘Best Places’: Financially Fit, Employee-Oriented, Reform -Ready. (2012). Modern Healthcare, 8–14.



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