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Introduction to MNGT4800: Strategic Management

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to MNGT4800: Strategic Management"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to MNGT4800: Strategic Management
Dr. Adams

2 Reasons for Taking This Class:
It’s required. I love learning & new challenges. I hope to graduate someday. I crave to learn about strategy & the strategic planning process. I had nothing better to do!!! I’m a glutton for punishment!!!

3 Agenda What’s up with this course? Getting acquainted

4 What’s up with this course?
Benefits Requirements

5 Benefits Sharpened abilities to think strategically
Understanding of frameworks to analyze an organizations’ external and internal environments Increased capacity to identify strategic issues and alternatives

6 Benefits (continued) Can apply strategic philosophies to my personal and work lives. Experience in formulating and implementing strategic plans Integrated knowledge

7 How are we going to get these benefits?
Text Readings and Lectures

8 How are we going to get these benefits?

9 Course Websites

10 Highlights from Syllabus
Prerequisites FINC 3610 MNGT 3100 MKT 3310

11 Highlights from Syllabus
Required Texts Strategic Management Text and Cases, 2nd edition, Carpenter & Sanders, 2010. Registration in Capstone Business Simulation

12 Highlights from Syllabus
Grade Components Exams 65% Simulation Exam 5% Three Exams – 20% each Simulation Performance 15% Simulation Shareholders’ Oral Report 10% Group Case Presentation 5% Class Attendance/Tutorial 5%

13 Highlights from Syllabus
Simulation Performance and Shareholders’ Report are adjusted by peer evaluations Grades * Multiplier Multiplier = (.5 for completing peer evaluations + % of points received for your peers’ evaluations of you)

14 Highlights from Syllabus
Policy Regarding Class Attendance & Participation Class & Lab Attendance is expected, attendance will be taken and counts for 4% of total grade I expect you to come to class having read the material and prepared to discuss in class - Exams can be made up only if an AU excuse is presented. Makeup exams may be essay. Notification ASAP prior to the exam via phone/

15 Highlights from Syllabus
Students with Disabilities See me during after class or during office hours with Accommodations Memo If you need an Accommodations Memo, contact Program for Students with Disabilities

16 Highlights from Syllabus
Course Policies Failure to correctly complete the scantron, will result in half credit Final Grades 90%, 80%, 70%, 60% Scale Professor reserves right to alter schedule Grades may be contested only within 5 days of posting.

17 Highlights from Syllabus
Course Policies (cont’d) Groups may fire member as disciplinary measure. Fired members must complete requirements individually, if possible. Lab Instructors may answer only technical questions. They may not give advice.

18 Highlights from Syllabus
Course Outline Key Due Dates Professor and GTA Contact Information Office Hour Info

19 Reminders Don’t forget to:
Register with Capsim (your group assignments are also given in Blackboard). Read and review your Capstone manual and work on the Capsim tutorial for the next class on Wednesday!!!

20 A Little About Me Dr. Garry Adams
Ph.D. in Strategic Management from Florida State University BA and MBA in Marketing and Management from Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville

21 A Little About Me Dr. Garry Adams
Areas of Research include Power & Politics, Organizational Learning, M & A Integration Hobbies include Music, Sports, Reading, Movie Collecting, & Playing Cards.

22 A Little About Me My Expectations Come to class prepared.
Work on and develop your analytical skills/Ask the why question/Understand cause and consequences. Be treated like adults, and act like adults. Be responsible to your classmates.

23 Now A Little About You Who in the Class:
Traveled overseas in the past year? Participates in sports programs or other University-sanctioned activities? Saw a concert over the summer? Is a member of a fraternity/sorority?

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