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Success Starter: Wednesday, August 30

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1 Success Starter: Wednesday, August 30
What were the conditions to which the colonists had to agree in order to settle in Georgia? Who was Tomochichi? Who was Mary Musgrove, and why was she important? What were some reasons the colonists became discontent (ie, became Malcontents)?

2 Success Starter: Wednesday, August 30
What were the conditions to which the colonists had to agree in order to settle in Georgia? The trustrees couldn’t hold land, hold political office, or be given money for their work. They couldn’t pass laws unless the king agreed. Who was Tomochichi? – He was the Yamacraw chief who worked with James Oglethorpe and the colonists. Who was Mary Musgrove, and why was she important? –Mary Musgrove was part Native American and part British; she was married to John Musgrove and ran their trading post with them. Mary Musgrove translated for Oglethrope and helped Oglethrope and Tomochichi to develop a close friendship. What were some reasons the colonists became discontent (ie, became Malcontents)? – Oglethorpe came back from his trip to England with some new regulations. They didn’t like those, and they were also upset about the regulation regarding passing on land only to male heirs. They were also facing economic hardships and saw how well South Carolina—which allowed slaves and rum—was doing. Additionally, they wanted slaves.

3 What role did James Oglethorpe play in establishing Savannah?

4 What role did Tomochichi play in establishing the city of Savannah?

5 What role did Mary Musgrove play in establishing Savannah?

6 How did the Jewish settlers impact Georgia?

7 Who were the Salzburgers, and how did their arrival impact Georgia?

8 Who were the Highland Scots, and how did their arrival impact Georgia?

9 Why did people become Malcontents, and how did this impact Georgia?
The Malcontents were those who were unhappy with the way Oglethrope and the Trustees were running the colony. They began complaining. The leaders of the Malcontents were primarily Scottish settlers near Savannah. Many of Georgia’s original settlers received money from the Trustees. However, most of the Malcontents didn’t get any assistance and thus they weren’t as loyal to the founders of the colony. Specifically, the Malcontents were upset that the Trustees limited land ownership and prohibited slavery and rum. The Malcontents could afford to purchase slaves and land; they felt the Trustees were holding them back economically.

10 Why did people become Malcontents, and how did this impact Georgia?
The Malcontents organized a group of colonists who objected to the actions of the Trustees. They issued one of their first public complaints in via petition calling for drastic changes to the colony’s administration. Although 121 residents signed the petition, the Trustees refused to change the laws. The Malcontents were frustrated with the leadership of Georgia, and many of them left the colony in 1740.

11 Closing: Why didn’t Georgia succeed as a Trustee Colony?
Think/Pair/Share: Write down your answer on a half sheet of paper. Make sure to use text evidence! (Think of this as a mini-constructed response) Pair with someone next to you and share your answers. Turn in your half sheet as your ticket out the door.

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