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Outline Perceptual organization, grouping, and segmentation

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Presentation on theme: "Outline Perceptual organization, grouping, and segmentation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Outline Perceptual organization, grouping, and segmentation
Active contours and deformable templates File: week14-m.ppt

2 Visual Perception Modeling
Introduction Segmentation Roughly speaking, segmentation is to partition the images into meaningful parts that are relatively homogenous in certain sense 11/14/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

3 Visual Perception Modeling
Introduction – cont. Computational models/implementations There are generally two kinds of computational models/implementations for segmentation Based on homogeneity measure to group pixels with similar attributes together Region growing/split-and-merge Based on discontinuity of attributes to detect boundaries/contours of regions Active contours 11/14/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

4 Visual Perception Modeling
Introduction – cont. Problems with edge detection Edge detectors do not give rise to meaningful contours of objects due to their intrinsically local nature 11/14/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

5 Visual Perception Modeling
Active Contours 11/14/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

6 Visual Perception Modeling
SNAKE A snake is an active contour defined by Was introduced first by Kass, Witkin, and Terzopoulos An energy is associate with each contour 11/14/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

7 Visual Perception Modeling
SNAKE – cont. The internal energy term provides a smoothness constraint on contours What kind of contours is preferred 11/14/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

8 Visual Perception Modeling
SNAKE – cont. The image energy term provides an image related measure Should have a large gradient along the contour, i.e., the contour should consist of edge points 11/14/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

9 Visual Perception Modeling
SNAKE – cont. The constraint term can be used to impose additional constraints For example, some control points are available and they should be very close to the contour Called spring Some information may indicate the contours should be as far as possible from some points Called volcano 11/14/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

10 Visual Perception Modeling
SNAKE – cont. Minimization of the energy This is a standard variational problem In order to apply calculus of variations, one needs to use a smooth representation of contours Minimization by steepest descent Requires the functional derivatives of the energy 11/14/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

11 Visual Perception Modeling
SNAKE – cont. 11/14/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

12 Visual Perception Modeling
SNAKE – cont. Problems with the original SNAKE model A good initial result must be available If the initial conditional is too far from the correct solution, the snake might be trapped to a meaningless local minimum Balloon model Introduce an additional term which pushes the contour out or in along its normal 11/14/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

13 Visual Perception Modeling
Deformable Templates Active contours are closely related to deformable templates Objects are often represented by their contours Object recognition is then to deform the standard contour such that the energy is minimum 11/14/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

14 Deformable Templates – cont.
11/14/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

15 Deformable Templates – cont.
11/14/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

16 Deformable Templates – cont.
11/14/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

17 Deformable Templates – cont.
11/14/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

18 Visual Perception Modeling
Tracking Active contours can be used very effectively for tracking 11/14/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

19 Visual Perception Modeling
Tracking – cont. 11/14/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

20 Visual Perception Modeling
Lip-Reading 11/14/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

21 Actor-Driven Facial Animation
11/14/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

22 Human-computer Interaction
11/14/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

23 Visual Perception Modeling
Traffic Monitoring 11/14/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

24 Medical Image Analysis
11/14/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

25 Medical Image Analysis
11/14/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

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