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Chinese Traditional Wedding

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1 Chinese Traditional Wedding

2 Chinese Traditional Wedding
4.Select the Wedding Date(請 期)

3 Chinese Traditional Wedding
1.Request for Marrying the Bride (提親): ☻matchmaker ☻negotiation (persuation) between the two families 2.Request for Bride and Groom’s Birth Dates(問名): ☻eight letters(八字,the year, month, day, and hour of the groom and the bride’s birth) 算:reckon 算命的人 A fortune teller

4 Chinese Traditional Wedding
3. Formal Gifts for the Bride's Family(過大禮): ☻bridal cakes ☻cash, wine, tobacco, ☻sacrifices for ancestors 4.Select the Wedding Date(請 期): ☻contacting with the fortune teller (according to the groom and bride’s birthdates) bridal 英[ˈbraɪdl] 美[ˈbraɪdl] adj. 新婚的,婚礼的; 新人的,新娘的; n. 婚礼,结婚仪式; 〈古〉喜筵;

5 Chinese Traditional Wedding
5.Set up the Bridal Bed(安床): ☻moving the bridal bed to the right place ☻place certain good fortune food and fruit on the bed ☻untouched till the wedding day 枣Jujube 花生Peanut 桂圆Longan 莲子lotus [ˈləʊtəs]

6 Chinese Traditional Wedding
6.Dowry(嫁妝): ☻the bridal gift for the groom (arriving in the groom’s home before the wedding day) ☻dowry list: ♥24K gold or jewelries ♥1 pair of chopsticks to indicate “fast son” ♥bed spread, pillows, quilt with dragon- phoenix design


8 Chinese Traditional Wedding
♥lucky money    ♥maid (wealthy family)

9 Chinese Traditional Wedding
7.Combing Hair(上頭): ☻finding a good fortune woman and man with living children and spouse

10 Chinese Traditional Wedding
☻combing the couple’s hair 4 times: ♥first: from beginning to the end(从一而终) ♥second: harmony from now till old age(白头偕老) ♥third: sons and grandsons all over the place  (儿孙满堂) ♥fourth: good wealth and long-lasting marriage (富贵长久) 寓意:implied meaning





15 banquet 英[ˈbæŋkwɪt] 美[ˈbæŋkwɪt] n. 筵席; 宴会,盛宴; 宴请,款待;

16 chamber 英[ˈtʃeɪmbə(r)]
n. 室,卧室,会客室; 内庭; [多用于英国] 律师的办公室; 议事厅;



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