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Michigan City High School Michigan City High School

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Presentation on theme: "Michigan City High School Michigan City High School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Michigan City High School Michigan City High School

2 TODAY IS Wednesday February 8, 2012

3 Happy Birthday To: Gabriel Garrett, Macimilian Harmon, Shannon Henderlong, Brenden Hollingshead, Marcus Horton, Noah Nieman, Joseph Pace, Erik Rose, Samantha Sauder, Lyndon Turner, Trevon Walker, Morgan Willoughby, and LaShayla Wilson

4 Girls Freshman Basketball at Portage
ATHLETIC EVENTS Girls Freshman Basketball at Portage

5 “The time is always right to do what is right.”
Thought For The Day “The time is always right to do what is right.” -Martin Luther King, Jr.

6 Is Very Cool!

7 Open your backpack. Open your backpack. Open your backpack
Open your backpack! Open your backpack! Open your backpack! Open your backpack!

8 Grasshopper say, “Do your Homework!”

9 Tessellations are cool!
If you did homework, you’d know about them!

10 Homework

11 Girls love homework!

12 Girls love Boys who do homework!
Hmmm, girls really do love homework. I’m going to do mine everyday!!!

13 Computer ner…uh…people love homework!

14 Star Wars ner…uh, enthusiasts love homework!

15 Hipsters love homework!
I totally do, bro! I eat my whole grain unleavened bread from the Vegan Co-op Bakery while doing my homework!

16 Angry Cheerios do Homework!

17 LeBron, Shakira, and John love homework!

18 Team Jacob loves homework!
I do homework with my shirt off!

19 Team Edward loves homework!
Hmmm, my back pack is unusually heavy today?

20 Yeah, weeeee loooooove Hommmmmework! (and hair products)

21 Lil’ Weezy, Master P, and Lil’ Romeo do homework!

22 Cute baby couples do homework!
We do! It’s twoo!

23 Americans…love homework!

24 Associate Superintendents love Homework!
Do your homework! Seriously! Do it!

25 Superintendents do homework!
I do my homework online!

26 4 out of 4 MCAS Principals love homework!

27 People with big checks do homework

28 Parents will “high 5” when you do homework!

29 Open your Back Pack to lift up the Wolf Pack!

30 These people did their home-work!

31 La princesa de las mochilas
Abre tu mochila! Haga su tarea!

32 Do your Homework, Lift up the Wolf Pack, Earn your Pride!

33 Black History Month Contest
The Michigan City Human Rights Commission is sponsoring it’s annual Black History Month Poster Contest. Information and entry forms are available in the main office. Entries must be submitted by 4:00 p.m. on January 31st. First, second, and third place winners, in each category, will receive a prize presented by the Mayor of Michigan City at City Hall on Wednesday, February 22nd.

34 Winter Ball It’s time to dust off your dancin’ shoes and get your swag on for the Winter Ball! This semi-formal event will be held Saturday, February 11th at the Orak Temple. Tickets for this event will go on sale Wednesday, February 1st at a cost of $25 per ticket; only cash or money orders will be accepted. No checks will be accepted. Tickets can only be purchased during the lunch periods in the cafeteria or before and after school in the yearbook office (A102) or newspaper office (A103).

35 Winter Ball (continued)
All students attending the dance must be in good standing with MCHS – you may not attend if you are on Social Probation. A student from MCHS may bring a guest who is from another high school with a guest permission slip, which are available in the office.

36 Prom Do you like the idea of a Rain Forest Themed Prom or does the idea of a masquerade sound more fun to you? Are you thinking you’d like prom colors to be purple and yellow or more like black and white? Who do you want to DJ the prom? Dr. Soundsgood or Boom Entertainment and DJ Flipside? If you have an opinion and want to be heard, come to the prom meeting TONIGHT. Juniors interested in helping to plan prom need to attend the prom meetings which are held EVERY Tuesday from 2:30 – 3:30 in Mrs. Brennan’s room A145. Students need to attend at least three meetings to be able to vote on prom issues. Prom cannot happen without your help, Juniors, so let’s work together to give the seniors the prom that they deserve.

37 Attention Seniors PNC is hosting College Goal Sunday for any college-bound senior who would like FAFSA assistance. It will be held on Sunday, February 12, from 2 – 4 p.m., in Room 265 of the Technology Building. More information on College Goal Sunday is available in the Guidance Office.

38 Attention Seniors The Susan Hay Hemminger Scholarship is now available in the Guidance Office. This scholarship is based on financial need, academic achievement, service, and leadership. Applications are due April 17.

39 Attention Seniors Are you interested in becoming a veterinarian? Purdue University is hosting Boiler Vet Camp this summer for students who would like to find out more about what it takes to become a vet or vet tech. More information is available in the Guidance Office.

40 Attention Seniors Valparaiso University is hosting the Valparaiso Regional Spring College Fair on Wednesday, March 7, from 6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. More than 100 private and public colleges universities will be represented. Financial aid presentations will also be offered. Check out Valparaiso University’

41 New Science Olympiad Please stop by Mr. Gray’s room (A226) and sign the team registration form. This must be done before competition. Also, the weekly Science Olympiad meeting will be tomorrow in Mr. Gray’s room after school. All team members should attend.

42 New Book Club Please join the Book Club discussion based on The Help on Tuesday, February 21st. We will discuss the book in its entirety and then vote on the next month’s book.

43 Boys Track and Field New
Anyone interested in boys track must attend a MANDATORY MEETING tomorrow at 3:25 in room A140. The meeting will last approximately 15 minutes. If you cannot attend Thursday’s meeting, you must see Coach Karras in Room A140 to pick up the schedule and proper forms.

44 New Thespian Society To inducted Thespian Society members, there will be a meeting Thursday, February 9th, until 3:30 p.m. in the room A145 (Ms. Brennan’s room). Hope to see you there.

45 New Tech Club The Tech Club will not be meeting this week. There will be a meeting next Wednesday at 3:00 at Mullen.

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