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May 2 (Completion rate: 79.59%). 1. How long have you been a resident of Aspen Gardens, Greenfield, or Royal Gardens? ResponseChartPercentageCount Less.

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Presentation on theme: "May 2 (Completion rate: 79.59%). 1. How long have you been a resident of Aspen Gardens, Greenfield, or Royal Gardens? ResponseChartPercentageCount Less."— Presentation transcript:

1 May 2 (Completion rate: 79.59%)

2 1. How long have you been a resident of Aspen Gardens, Greenfield, or Royal Gardens? ResponseChartPercentageCount Less than a year 5%37 1-5 years 17%135 5-10 years 16%129 10-20 years 24%189 More than 20 years 38%299 Total Responses789

3 2. If you had a choice, would you like to see Petrolia Mall renovated and vacancies filled, or would you like to see a brand new building and new vision for Petrolia Mall? ResponseChartPercentageCount Renovate 32%251 New Development 68%541 Total Responses792

4 3. If new buisnesses were to come to Petrolia Mall, would you like to see: ResponseChartPercentageCount Small retail businesses 12%94 Recognizable brand name businesses 6%44 Professional services 1%9 A mix of all of the above 81%642 Total Responses789

5 4. What would be your first choice for a retail grocery store that you would regularly buy groceries at if it was available at Petrolia Mall? ResponseChartPercentageCount Boutique specialty grocery market such as: Sunterra, Urban Fare, Planet Organic 43%338 Major Grocery chain such as: Safeway, Save-on Foods, Sobeys 24%192 Discount grocery chain such as: Extra foods, No Frills 27%210 Community food co-op 6%50 Total Responses790

6 5. How much would you spend a month in that type of grocery store? ResponseChartPercentageCount Less than $50 a month 5%36 $50 - $100 a month 23%179 $101 - $300 a month 45%358 More than $300 a month 27%216 Total Responses789

7 6. What type of food establishments would you prefer to eat at regularly at Petrolia mall? Fine dining Family restaur ant chain Fast food/T akeout chain Local Pub Special ty coffee shop Coffee shop chain Total Respon ses 250 (32%) 426 (54%) 249 (31%) 355 (45%) 475 (60%) 320 (40%) 792

8 7. How often would you frequent these types of food establishments per month? ResponseChartPercentageCount 1 time per month 8%63 2-4 times per month 49%369 5-7 times per month 26%197 8+ times per month 16%120 Total Responses749

9 8. Other than the grocery stores and restaurants discussed in questions 4-7, what would be your top 10 choices of services you would frequent or retailers you would spend money at in the Petrolia Mall? ResponseChartPercentageCount Flower Shop 40%274 Convenience Store 47%320 Butcher 49%340 Liquor Store 59%408 Medical Clinic 36%247 Hair Salon 30%209 Pediatrician 6%40 Accountant 6%42 Greenhouse 25%172 Clothing Boutique 24%166 Ice Cream shop 48%333 Bakery 86%592 Pharmacy 61%421 Movie Store 44%301 Dentist 14%98 Banking 43%293 Family Doctor 35%241 Car Wash 30%207 Community Garden 30%208 Barber Shop 23%160 Recreation (ex. Dance, Tae Kwon Do, Yoga) 52%357 Postal Outlet 73%503 Day Care 24%162 Optometrist 10%67 Gift Shop 26%180 Dollar Store 31%211 Lawyer/Legal Services 6%40 Library 36%247 Total Responses687

10 9. Please indicate any other suggestions you have for services or retailers: There are 261 response(s) to this question (not exportable to PowerPoint). ResponseChartPercentagesCount Bakery 1%5 Book 1%5 Bring 1%5 Cafe 2%7 Coffee Shop 0%0 Daycare 1%5 Design 1%5 Farmer's Market 3%9 GAS Station 5%15 Great Place 1%4 Gym 3%8 Maybe 1%4 Petrolia Mall 1%4 Pub 1%5 Recreation 1%4 Safeway 1%4 Seniors 1%4 Shoe Repair 1%4 Spa 1%5 Sunterra 1%5 Superstore 1%4 Veterinarian 1%4 Yoga Studio 1%5

11 10. If a new developer was considering adding residential to the retail and professional services, which of the following would you support? First Choice Second Choice Third Choice Forth Choice Fifth Choice Total Respons es Condos 334 (47%)176 (25%)130 (18%)56 (8%)16 (2%)712 Rental Apartments 20 (3%)67 (10%)104 (15%)199 (29%)308 (44%)698 Senior's Housing 170 (24%)256 (36%)170 (24%)98 (14%)22 (3%)716 Townhouses 35 (5%)161 (23%)232 (34%)210 (30%)54 (8%)692 None 171 (25%)51 (7%)62 (9%)122 (18%)277 (41%)683

12 11. What is the tallest building you would support on the Petrolia Mall site? ResponseChartPercentageCount 4 storey 57%425 5 storey 13%98 6 storey 10%78 7-8 storey 6%45 9-10 storey 2%13 10+ storey 11%84 Total Responses743

13 12. If you had the chance to talk to potential developers, what would you say? There are 401 response(s) to this question (not exportable to PowerPoint).

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