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El Vocabulario-La Etapa Preliminar

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Presentation on theme: "El Vocabulario-La Etapa Preliminar"— Presentation transcript:

1 El Vocabulario-La Etapa Preliminar


3 to camp acampar

4 to rent alquilar

5 to walk andar

6 to turn off apagar

7 to help ayudar

8 to dance bailar

9 to go down, get off bajar

10 to look for buscar

11 to (ex)change cambiar

12 to walk caminar

13 to sing cantar

14 to celebrate celebrar

15 to eat dinner cenar

16 to cook cocinar

17 to buy comprar

18 to cross cruzar

19 to take care of cuidar

20 to eat breakfast desayunar

21 to rest descansar

22 to wish, desire desear

23 to teach, to show enseñar

24 to listen to escuchar

25 to wait for, to hope esperar

26 to study estudiar

27 to explain explicar

28 to win, to earn ganar

29 to spend gastar

30 to talk, speak hablar

31 to investigate investigar

32 to wash lavar

33 to clean limpiar

34 to call llamar

35 to arrive llegar

36 to take, to carry, to wear llevar

37 to cry llorar

38 to send mandar

39 to look at, to watch mirar

40 to swim nadar

41 to hate odiar

42 to forget olvidarse

43 to pay for pagar

44 to stop parar

45 to pass, to happen pasar

46 to skate patinar

47 to iron planchar

48 to practice practicar

49 to stay or remain quedarse

50 to burn quemar

51 to give (a gift) regalar

52 to take out sacar

53 to dry secar

54 to play (an instrument), to touch

55 to work trabajar

56 to travel viajar

57 to visit visitar



60 to learn aprender

61 to drink beber

62 to eat comer

63 to understand comprender

64 to run correr

65 to believe, to think creer

66 should, ought to, owe deber

67 to hide esconder

68 to read leer

69 to promise prometer

70 to break romper

71 to sell vender



74 to open abrir

75 to attend asistir

76 to share compartir

77 to write escribir

78 to insist insistir

79 to let, allow, permit permitir

80 to receive recibir

81 to go up, to get on subir

82 to live vivir


84 IRREGULAR YO VERBS Los Verbos con “-GO”

85 to fall caerse

86 to say, tell decir

87 to do, to make hacer

88 to put, to place poner

89 to leave; to go out salir

90 to bring traer

91 to come to or from venir venir a / venir de


93 IRREGULAR YO VERBS Los Verbos con “-JO”

94 to correct corregir

95 to elect elegir

96 to choose escoger

97 to protect proteger

98 to pick up recoger


100 IRREGULAR YO VERBS Los Verbos con “-ZCO”

101 to know (a person or place)

102 to drive conducir

103 to deserve merecer

104 to obey obedecer

105 to offer ofrecer

106 to seem, appear parecer

107 to belong pertenecer

108 to produce producir

109 to recognize reconocer

110 to translate traducir


112 Otros Verbos Irregulares

113 to see ver

114 to know (how to /a fact) saber

115 to be (emotion) estar

116 to give dar

117 to say, to tell decir

118 to go ir

119 to hear oír

120 To be (characteristic)

121 to have tener

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