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02.08.16 Catalyst What pieces of evidence allowed Dupin to solve The Murders in the Rue Morgue? Objective - I will compare class and individual evidence.

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Presentation on theme: "02.08.16 Catalyst What pieces of evidence allowed Dupin to solve The Murders in the Rue Morgue? Objective - I will compare class and individual evidence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Catalyst What pieces of evidence allowed Dupin to solve The Murders in the Rue Morgue? Objective - I will compare class and individual evidence.

2 The week…

3 Individual v. Class Evidence
notes & application

4 Individual Evidence Links victim, suspect, and crime scene
Looking to establish the evidence triangle Victim suspect crime scene

5 Individual Evidence Examples: Fingerprints, DNA
Matching torn materials or paint chips Striations on a bullet Audio recording, handwriting

6 Class Evidence Only linked to a group of persons or things
Doesn’t establish positive proof; considered circumstantial The more, the better: “probable cause,” “weight of evidence,” “beyond a reasonable doubt” Statistics are often used to show probability of an event occurring

7 Class Evidence Examples: Blood types Gun shot residue Types of shoes

8 As we watch… Make a list of Class and Individual Evidence..
Be prepared to discuss your list. Forensic Files: Blanket of Evidence

9 Murders in the Rue Morgue
Work with your table partner to annotate the text. Mark the two types of evidence Underline class evidence Circle individual evidence

10 Catalyst What three things must be present for something to be considered individual evidence? Name two pieces of evidence from the Poe short story. Objective – I will differentiate between class and individual evidence. Victim suspect crime scene

11 Today… Hearing update Rue Morgue – evidence types!
Classify your shoes!

12 Catalyst Give two things that make your shoes unique.

13 Today… Serial Episode 4

14 As you listen… Keep track of Jay’s story.
How does it match with what we already know? What is confusing to you about his statement?


16 02.11.16 Catalyst Define circumstantial & give an example.
I will compare direct and circumstantial evidence.

17 Today… Notes Wrap up characterizing…

18 Direct and Circumstantial Evidence

19 Evidence Direct Circumstantial Biological Physical Class Individual Class Individual

20 Direct Evidence Testimonials Eye witnesses and other witnesses
Confessions No opinions allowed (hearsay)

21 Circumstantial Evidence
Indirect evidence that is used to imply a fact, but does not directly prove it. Example: finding a suspect’s gun at the crime scene implies that they were there, but does not prove it. Can be physical or biological.

22 Trace Evidence – Locard’s Exchange Principle
Whenever two people come into contact with each other, a physical transfer occurs. Hair, fibers, pollen, makeup, skin cells, etc. Intensity and duration of contact determines HOW MUCH is transferred.

23 Physical Evidence Fingerprints Tire, shoe, tool impressions Fibers
Bullets, casings, firearms **Often Class Evidence

24 Biological Evidence Body fluids Hair Plant parts Natural fibers
**often individual evidence

25 Evidence Direct Circumstantial Biological Physical Class Individual Class Individual

26 Now – wrap up shoes… assignment.
Have a great long weekend! Witness statements ?

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