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How to eat super healthy for less than $5/day!

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1 How to eat super healthy for less than $5/day!
Eating on a Budget How to eat super healthy for less than $5/day!

2 F.A.S.T.E.R. Fast Food – Drive through or Food on a tray
Alcohol – Beer, Wine, Mixed drinks. (Where?) Salty Snacks– Chips & Salsa, Popcorn, Crackers Tasty Treats – Fro-Yo, Starbucks, Desert, Candy Energy Drinks – Soda, Diet Soda, Red Bull, etc Restaurants – Sit down, Waiter, Tipping (SSF)

3 Putting the Budget on a Diet
$6/lb $0.25/ $2.00 $0.33/ $1.75/lb $0.60/ $1.00/ $0.85/ $0.75/ $0.33/ $0.70 $0.35/ $3.99 $0.39/ $3.49 $0.58/ $0.20/ $0.15/ $0.33/ $1.25/lb $0.30/ $1/lb $0.25/ $0.40/

4 Putting the Budget on a Diet
$6/lb $0.25/ $2.00 $0.50/ $1.79/lb $0.60/ $1.00/ $0.85/ $0.75/ $0.33/ $0.70 $0.35/ $3.99 $0.39/ $3.49 $0.58/ $0.20/ $0.15/ $0.33/ Chicken + Brown Rice + Veggies $1.00 $1.25/lb $0.30/ $1/lb $0.25/ $0.40/

5 Putting the Budget on a Diet
$6/lb $0.25/ $2.00 $0.33/ $1.75/lb $0.60/ $1.00/ $0.85/ $0.70/ $0.33/ $0.70 $0.35/ $3.50 $0.39/ $3.49 $0.58/ $0.20/ $0.15/ $0.15/ 2 Eggs + Oatmeal + Fruit $0.88 $1.25/lb $0.30/ $1/lb $0.25/ $0.33/

6 Putting the Budget on a Diet
$6/lb $0.25/ $1.50 $0.25/ $1.75/lb $0.60/ $1.00/ $0.85/ $0.70/ $0.33/ $0.70 $0.35/ $3.50 $0.35/ $3.49 $0.58/ $0.20/ $0.15/ $0.15/ Greek Yogurt + Fruit $1.15 $0.40/ $1.25/lb $0.30/ $1/lb $0.25/

7 Putting the Budget on a Diet
$6/lb $0.25/ $1.50 $0.25/ $1.75/lb $0.60/ $1.00/ $0.85/ $0.50/ $0.33/ $0.70 $0.35/ $3.99 $0.39/ $3.49 $0.58/ $0.20/ $0.15/ $0.15/ Turkey Sandwich + Veggie Toppings $1.14 $1.25/lb $0.30/ $1/lb $0.25/ $0.40/

8 Putting the Budget on a Diet
$6/lb $0.25/ $1.50 $0.25/ $1.75/lb $0.60/ $1.00/ $0.85/ $0.70/ $0.33/ $0.70 $0.35/ $3.50 $0.35/ $3.49 $0.49/ $0.20/ $0.15/ $0.15/ Black Beans + Brown Rice + Veggies $0.75 $1.25/lb $0.30/ $1/lb $0.25/ $0.40/

9 Putting the Budget on a Diet
$6/lb $0.25/ $1.50 $0.25/ $1.75/lb $0.60/ $1.00/ $0.85/ $0.70/ $0.33/ $0.70 $0.35/ $3.99 $0.39/ $3.99 $0.58/ $0.20/ $0.15/ $0.15/ MRM Shake + Fruit $1.30 $1.25/lb $0.30/ $1/lb $0.25/ $0.40/

10 Putting the Budget on a Diet
$6/lb $0.25/ $1.50 $0.25/ $1.75/lb $0.60/ $1.00/ $0.85/ $0.70/ $0.69/ $0.70 $0.35/ $3.50 $0.35/ $1.80 $0.30/ $0.20/ $0.15/ $0.15/ ½ Sweet Potato + Ground Beef $1.09 $1.25/lb $0.30/ $1/lb $0.25/ $0.40/

11 Putting the Budget on a Diet
$6/lb $0.25/ $2.00 $0.50/ $1.75/lb $0.60/ $1.00/ $0.85/ $0.70/ $0.33/ $0.70 $0.35/ $3.50 $0.35/ $3.49 $0.58/ $0.20/ $0.15/ $0.15/ Egg & Veggie Wrap $1.33 $1.25/lb $0.30/ $1/lb $0.25/ $0.33/

12 Putting the Budget on a Diet
$6/lb $0.25/ $1.50 $0.25/ $1.75/lb $0.60/ $1.00/ $0.85/ $0.70/ $0.33/ $0.70 $0.35/ $3.50 $0.35/ $1.80 $0.30/ $0.20/ $0.15/ $0.15/ ½ Greek Yogurt + Nut Blend + Fruit $1.00 $1.25/lb $0.30/ $1/lb $0.25/ $0.33/

13 Putting the Budget on a Diet
$6/lb $0.25/ $1.50 $0.25/ $1.75/lb $0.60/ $1.00/ $0.85/ $0.70/ $0.33/ $0.25/ $0.70 $0.35/ $3.50 $0.35/ $1.80 $0.30/ $0.20/ $0.15/ $0.15/ Quinoa + Lentils + Veggies $0.75 $1.25/lb $0.30/ $1/lb $0.25/ $0.33/

14 Budgeting a Healthy Day
Nut Blend + Fruit Greek Yogurt + Fruit $0.55 $1.15 Day Grand Total… $4.50 6 am 12 noon 6 pm 9 am 3 pm 2 Eggs + Oatmeal + Fruit Turkey Sandwich $0.88 Black Beans + Rice + Veggies $1.14 $0.75

15 Dough-Saving Pointers
Buy in Bulk when on sale Check the 99₵ Store Try out: - Farmer Market E Palo Brea Bend, Scottsdale, AZ 85255 - Sprouts Farmers Market N Scottsdale Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 85255 - Super L Ranch Market E Thomas Rd Ste. 104, Scottsdale, AZ 85251

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