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Let’s Give them something to talk about…

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1 Let’s Give them something to talk about…
Creating a Buzz How to Get Started: Form a committee, Read the SIA and Founder Region strategic plans. Start spreading the word. Let’s Give them something to talk about…

2 Get Busy like a bee promoting the best organization in the world
Public Awareness is one of our Four Pillars for a reason… if people have not heard of us, we can not carry out our mission! First step - form a Public Awareness Committee. Use the SIA and Founder Region Strategic Plan as your Roadmap: Founder Region Strategic Plan is on our website at /founder_region_strategic_plan_ _revised_november_2016.pdf Public Awareness Resources e.html Pass out handout after presentation on the strategic plan. Also tell President this will be ed to them, and the links will work with an internet connection.

3 1. Make use of Social Media
Social media is one of the single most powerful tools available. Approximately 2.8 billion people use social media every day - up 21% from 2015, and 83% of all Americans have at least one social media account. You can post about what's going on in your organization, as well as share useful and interesting content. People like to read about other people and get a heartwarming feeling that their money is helping local people. Share Dream winners’ stories (be sure you have permission - and you can keep it in general terms without the winner’s name). Share Ruby Award and Violet Richardson Award winners’ stories. Advertise your events. Remember - the stories of some of recipients contain sensitive information. For example, for a Live your Dream winner you can talk about her goals and hard work, but any personal matters should remain private. Any awards that were given to minors, such as the Barbara Stevenson “S” Club Award, must have parental consent to use the recipient’s image and share their accomplishment.

4 Nothing generates buzz better than a story about a changed life or someone who benefited from your organization. Keep the focus on the people. If you can present an honest success story that includes bumps in the road as well as the ultimate impact of your efforts, you can create a feel-good story that people will be happy to share. Remember- the more shares, the more buzz you are generating. Always keep in mind the dignity of your recipients. We are not trying to make them look pitiful; we are sharing stories of resilience and giving someone a hand up - not a hand out. Have the person you will be highlighting approve the content. If they want to remain anonymous do not put their name or photo.

5 2. Leverage Your Website With Great Content
Are you using your website to its full ability? If you're not posting great content on your website, you're wasting one of the best platforms you have for raising awareness and growing your brand. Is your call to action prominently displayed? Look at your site with a critical eye. Would you want to learn more about this group? The content you create on your website can be cross-posted on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Meet Up, further promoting awareness of your Soroptimist Club. . Call to action - donate button or learn more button with invites to a meeting – invite them to lunch. This could be part of your membership budget.

6 3. Host a Booth at a Community Event
Most of our small towns have more events than you can shake a stick at. This is a great opportunity. March in the Parade, set up a booth at the Street Fair, set up a booth outside of community events. Be visible! Make sure your handouts are up to date and engaging. (Visit SIA resources) Some of the clubs have created postcards with meeting information on one side, and highlighting programs on the other. Some have put a “good for free lunch” type invitation to a meeting on the postcards. Example: Have your Human Trafficking Awareness Proclamations on display. Make a poster of projects (people are visual learners). Staffing a booth can be hard - but maybe your club can cover just a couple of shifts over the days of the event. Leave a nice display with brochures when members can’t cover it. We know the challenges

7 Share a lot of photos of your events.
Make sure the photos on your website have a good cross section of the diversity in your club and your community. Share Dream Stories. Be sure it is user-friendly. The SIA website has all kinds of information you can share or highlight - people visiting your site are not likely to have visited the SIA site. Use official Soroptimist Videos - YouTube has many videos sharing stories. What makes you special? Share your projects - get people buzzing. UPDATE, UPDATE, UPDATE! When you look at your website you should see diversity, community, happiness and a positive vibe.

8 Seeing community members face-to-face helps to grow awareness of your cause. People are more likely to engage with a friendly face than they are to an asking for money, or a social media post. Be sure you are a member of your Chamber of Commerce - attend mixers. This can help you connect with other like-minded organizations who may invite you to their event or to help them in some way, and they will return the favor at one of your events. Attend the Chamber mixers. For Non-Profits it is all about contacts and networking. There are many worthwhile causes - make Soroptimist stand out! Example- a Councilman asked SI/Vacaville Twilight to pour wine at a charity event. In turn, he came and poured at their fundraiser and spread the word on tickets, etc.

9 4. Connect With Your Existing Members and Donors
MailChimp - MailChimp is a marketing automation platform and an marketing service. President can use it to send meeting recaps, newsletters. It can be used to send quarterly newsletters about happenings in the club and projects or upcoming events to your donors or followers. Free accounts are available. Let people know what you are involved with and what events you will be hosting or attending. Update them on the Dream winners. Vertical Response- free non-profit accounts are available (same as above). Services such as these allow recipients to opt out. A quarterly newsletter about your projects or past recipients is a fun way to keep your name out there. You can include a call to action and direct them to the website for things like donations to a special project

10 5. Create a Knowledge Gap This sounds odd - don’t we want them to know all about us? What all these tips share is that they create curiosity in the public. It’s actually a clever form of permission marketing because it promotes Soroptimist by making people want to know more. They will dig deeper; they will Google you; they will follow you on social media. Yes - and this is how we spark a curiosity that will lead them to seek you out on social media and become immersed in our mission

11 No one wants to be left out of the next big thing
No one wants to be left out of the next big thing. People seek more information. Take a moment to consider whether your club has any visuals around your community. Is your brand starting conversations? Make people want to learn more about a group that is doing such great things - how can they be a part of that? This is where all media can be utilized - your press releases, social media, and event presence, to create a knowledge gap that needs to be filled. Einstein: "I have no special talents," he once declared. "I am only passionately curious." Did the Human Trafficking Awareness proclamations get placed in storefronts? Did you issue your press releases? After a big event do you share the success and benefits to women and girls? Does your town have sign posts or banners for non-profits?

12 These tips have been complied from different resources online by Jackie De Vries, the Founder Region Public Awareness Chair, in cooperation with Joy Swank, Founder Region District III Director. A copy of this presentation will be available for your use. Promote…promote…promote - the best way to do that is to share our happy stories. REMEMBER OUR BRAND - It should be on all social media and materials. It is what unites us and creates an instant recognition, but we must all use it! Remember you can always contact your District Director for advice. The S logo should be on all of your documents- it is like when you see the golden arches- you know you are at McDonalds and you know what they stand for. That is why we must consistently build our brand.

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