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Unit Two Vocabulary Week Four.

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1 Unit Two Vocabulary Week Four

2 affront (verb/noun) intentional insult
I will not stand here and allow you to affront me! I was deeply hurt by your callous affront. .

3 Capitulate (verb) surrender The boxer vowed never to capitulate.

4 effusion (noun) a pouring forth
After Lauren Hill announced she had cancer, she received an effusion of love and support.

5 guffaw (noun) horselaugh My uncle has an infectious guffaw.

6 incarcerate (verb) imprison
If you break the law, the police might incarcerate you.

7 indulgent (adjective)
lenient/permissive Parents should avoid being too indulgent with their children lest they spoil them.

8 magnanimous (adjective)
generous and kind nature

9 munificent (adjective)
generous and liberal giving Santa Claus is a munificent giver of gifts.

10 Propitious (adjective)
favorable Thanks to a propitious call by the officials, Dallas defeated Detroit.

11 querulous (adjective)
quarrelsome/argumentative The querulous Detroit Lions fans did not like the official’s call.

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