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Muhammad’s teaching by Ahlul Bayt

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1 Muhammad’s teaching by Ahlul Bayt
Part 4 50 Questions

2 Describe Leilatul-Qadr.
During Ramadhan the occasion of the wounding of Imam Ali and the night he died are commemorated. He died on Leilatul-Qadr or the Night of Power. Leilatul-Qadr is the most meritorious night of the year. Leilatul-Qadr falls on the odd numbered nights of the last 10 days of Ramadhan + a and b. Leilatul-Qadr falls on the even numbered nights of the last 10 days of Ramadhan + a and b. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

3 How is Imam Ali connected with Leilatul Qadr?
During Leilatul-Qadr Imam Ali died of the wound inflicted on him while he was in Salat of Subh leading the congregation in Masjid Al-Kufa. Leilatul-Qadr brings to mind the station and the great works Ali undertook for Islam. Leilatul-Qadr is a glorious night, reminding us of Ali's outstanding contribution for Islam + a and b. Leilatul-Qadr encourages all Muslims to beware of Ali's works as an example + a and b. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

4 What is Du'aa Jawshan Al-Kabir?
A magnificent Du'aa read in congregation which may take 1«-2 hours. Du'aa read on Leilatul-Qadr during Ramadhan. Du'aa Jawshan Al-Kabir was taught by Jubra'eel to Muhammad (pbuh). Du'aa Jawshan Al-Kabir is descriptive of Allah's magnificent names, + a, b, and c. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

5 Describe Zakat-ul-Fitr.
Zakat-ul-Fitr is a special Zakat to be paid by us before or on the day of Eid-ul-Fitr. Zakat-ul-Fitr consists of enough money to buy a meal to feed one poor person + a. Zakat-ul-Fitr consists of enough money to buy 5 meals to feed one poor person + a. Zakat-ul-Fitr consists of enough money to buy meals to feed 5 poor persons + a. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

6 Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4
Do many people lose weight as a result of fasting the month of Ramadhan? It is quite possible for a fasting person to lose some weight. Yes all fasting persons lose some weight. People who are overweight will learn to control their weight + b. All people will learn to control their weight + b. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

7 Mention two circumstances when a person should not fast?
If you are in any kind of sickness. If you are sick and your doctor will advise you not to fast. If you are traveling for business or for special affairs + b. If you are traveling for pleasure or for special affairs + b. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

8 Mention two circumstances when a person should not fast?
A woman during her monthly period. A woman who is pregnant or nursing her baby if fasting harms her or her baby. An old or debilitated person when fasting may be harmful to him or her + a and b. A robust person imagining fasting may be harmful to him or her + a and b. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

9 Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4
What is Eid-ul-Fitr? Children put on fresh clothes, and people often visit their friends and relatives + b, c, and d. Eid-ul-Fitr is celebrating the end of Ramadhan. Eid-ul-Fitr consists of three days of celebration. People will rejoice and perform the Eid-Prayer in the Mosque as a congregation. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

10 What kind of month is Ramadhan?
Ramadhan is a month of blessing. Ramadhan is the month of forgiveness. Ramadhan is the month of mercy + a and b. Ramadhan is the month of sympathy to the rulers + a and b. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

11 Which days should people not fast?
At the occasions of the two Eids, no one is to fast. It is Mus'tahab (preferable) not to fast on the day of Arafat (during Haj) It is Mus'tahab (preferable) not to fast on the day Ashuraa and this is relative only + a and b. It is Mus'tahab (preferable) not to fast on the birthday of the Prophet (pbuh) + a and b. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

12 Are there any other occasions when you may fast voluntarily?
The 15th of Sha'ban (Birthday of the 12th Imam, Al-Mahdi) Mondays and Thursdays. Certain nights in Rajab + a and b. Mondays and Wednesdays + a and b. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

13 Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4
What is Zakat? Zakat is an Arabic word denoting more or less the Poor due. Zakat is an Arabic word sometimes meaning purification + a. Zakat is an Arabic word to receive money + a. Zakat is meaning only money purification + a. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

14 Is Zakat a form of taxation?
Zakat is not a form of taxation. Zakat is not a form of charity. Zakat is a duty on every able Muslim + a and b. Of course Zakat is a form of taxation + b. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

15 Describe 2 ways to give the Zakat.
To give to the poor and the needy directly. To give through some kind of authority when this authority is available + a. To give through the government department + a. To give by check only + a. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

16 What does a person purify when he pays Zakat?
We give of our earnings to purify our children. We give of our earnings to purify capital gains in the stock market. We give of our earnings to purify ourselves and to purify our earnings. Every able Muslim should give of his earnings every year, since the Zakat is the third act of worship in Islam. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

17 How does the Zakat help the community?
Zakat will help the needy people and when carried out by every able person the whole community will greatly benefit. Zakat will help the orphans. Zakat will help the rich. Zakat will help the administration of the government. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

18 How big is the amount of Zakat?
Zakat amount is very small portion of the left over capital. Zakat amount is a large portion of the left over capital. Zakat amount is very small portion of the gross income. Zakat amount is half left over capital. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

19 Do Muslims have to pay Zakat every year?
Of course yes. No, every 6 months. No, every 3 months. No, every 5 years. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

20 Describe what is subject to Zakat.
Animals: such as camels, cattle, Sheep. Produce: such as wheat, barley, dates, raisins Capital: such as gold, silver, + a and b. Household goods: such as furniture, refrigerator, + a and b. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

21 Is Zakat an act of worship?
Zakat is the third act of worship. Zakat is the eighth act of worship. Zakat is the fifth act of worship. Zakat is the tenth act of worship. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

22 What will the Zakat teach us?
Zakat teaches us a beautiful sense of giving. Zakat teaches us about sharing with less fortunate people than we are. Zakat will encourage us to be less selfish and greedy + a and b. Zakat takes our money away to be given unnecessarily + b. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

23 Who is eligible to receive the Zakat?
The poor, the needy, the destitute, those in bondage, for the cause of Allah, and for some other special worthy purposes. The poor, the relatives, cousins, the destitute, for the cause of Allah. The poor, the destitute, for the cause of Allah. For the cause of Allah, and for some other special worthy purposes. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

24 At what age is a person obliged to pay the Zakat?
Zakat is to start when the male is 15 years old and the female is 9 years old if they have the means. Zakat is to start when the male is 25 years old and the female is 19 years old. Zakat is to start when the male is 35 years old and the female is 29 years old. Zakat is to start when the male is 50 years old and the female is 35 years old. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

25 Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4
What is Khums? Like Salat and Zakat, Khums is an act of worship. When applied, Khums can be very important for the welfare of the Muslim society. Like Zakat, Khums is an obligation (Fardh) having to do with the financial aspect of an individual. If Khums is applied, the earnings of the person is purified + a, b, and c. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

26 Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4
Is Khums obligatory? Yes, according to the Ja'fari school of Fiqh. No, according to the Hanbali school of Fiqh. Yes, according to the Hanafi school of Fiqh + b. Yes, according to the Shafi'i school of Fiqh + b. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

27 What is the meaning of Khums?
Khums means giving one fifth or 20% of the leftover of earnings every year. It means giving one fifth or 20% of the gross earnings every year. It means tax of 20% of revenue for the state. Khums is 30% Muslim taxation. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

28 Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4
Who has to give Khums? A mature person who has a job or other forms of earning. Any person whose income exceeds his needs by 100%. Any person of wealth + b. Any needy person. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

29 What does the Holy Quran say about the Khums?
The Quran Says: “And Let It Be Known (O' Believers) That Of Whatever You Earn, A Fifth Of It Is For Allah, The Messenger Of Allah And His Near Relatives, The Orphans, The Destitute, And The Wayfarer”. (Surah 8: Ayah 41). The above is in Surah 10: Ayah 21. The above a Hadith in Sahih Muslim. The above Ayah was revealed in Medina. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

30 Mention 3 categories (Items) subject to Khums.
Leftover savings out of annual income earned. Booty, whether acquired from an investment or during a war with non-Muslims. Mineral products acquired from under the earth through drilling or mining, such as oil, gold, silver, copper, or sulfur, etc. + a and b. Inheritance + a, b, and c. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

31 Mention 4 categories (Items) subject to Khums.
Treasures buried by an unknown person when found by a Muslim. Valuables obtained in the sea, such as pearls, coral, etc. Land bought by a non-Muslim from a Muslim. Lawful properties which are so mixed with the unlawful ones that separation becomes impossible + a, b, and c. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

32 Mention 3 points for which Khums can be distributed.
To Allah's cause. To Allah's Messenger Muhammad (pbuh). To the specified relatives of Muhammad who are Ahlul Bayt (Ali, his wife Fatima and their descendants), + a, b, and c. To the treasury of the government. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

33 Mention 3 points for which Khums can be distributed.
To the orphans, destitute, and wayfarer. To the orphans, destitute, and the rulers. To the orphans, destitute, and Qadhi. To the orphans, Jurisprudents, and wayfarer. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

34 How did the Prophet (pbuh) observe Khums?
It is a well-known fact that Prophet Muhammad always observed the practice of Khums in his life. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) used to lay aside one portion of Khums for Ahlul Bayt and the other portion for himself + a. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) never used to exercise Khums for Ahlul Bayt nor for himself. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) used Khums only for himself + a. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

35 Are descendants of Ahlul Bayt entitled to Khums?
Since they are not entitled for Zakat, Khums is an alternate avenue for the support of those of them who deserve it. Ahlul Bayt are not entitled to Khums. Though Ahlul Bayt are entitled to take Khums, much of the Khums capital can be spent in the cause of Allah, and the promotion of Islam + a. Ahlul Bayt are not entitled to Khums or Zakat. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

36 What is the importance of Khums in the society?
Khums is almost a way of social security. Khums capital is far greater than that of Zakat. Khums helps support the needy Sayyids, i.e. those of the Prophet's lineage. Indirectly, Khums helps improve the standard of living of the whole society + a, b, and c. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

37 What are the major advantages of Khums if practiced by everyone?
The rich will become less rich. The poor will receive much support and sustenance, thus less likely to suffer the pains of poverty. Khums can help Islamic projects such as Islamic centers, Islamic schools, not only in the local areas but also in other countries. Khums can be a major source for Da'wa + a + b + c. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

38 Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4
What are Sayyids? Sayyids are descendants of Ahlul Bayt, and they carry that distinction as their birthright. Sayyids are descendants of the Sahaaba. Sayyids are the Muslim professionals. Sayyids are men of distinction in the Ummah. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

39 What kind of an endeavor is the Haj?
In Haj a person worships Allah in striving wholeheartedly for the cause of Allah verbally, financially, physically, or even to the degree of sacrificing one's self. It is to socialize with people and to worship Allah. To have unique experience. In Haj one goes to worship and learn Arabic. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

40 What do people experience at Haj?
No one can ever define the unique value of Haj unless he or she has taken part in it. A person may be one of 2-3 million performing the Haj simultaneously, + a, c, and d. Individuals come from the Haj with a unique spiritual uplift. Haj is enriching, enlightening, and gratifying. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

41 What unique experiences people get at Haj?
On equal footing people perform Haj whether poor or rich, black or white, tall or short, old or young, weak or strong. The experience will bring to his mind the vision of the Day of Judgment in miniature. People will be swept with their emotions. Everyone is single-mindedly worshipping Allah in a unique way, + a, b, and c. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

42 Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4
Where is Haj performed? Medina of course, where the Ka'ba is. Arabia of course, where the Ka'ba is. Mecca of course, where the Ka'ba is. Jerusalem of course, where the Ka'ba is. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

43 Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4
Mention 3 out of 5 conditions a person has to meet before he or she can perform the Haj. Attain physical maturity. Have good mental capacity. Be free + a and b. Be a curious onlooker. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

44 Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4
Mention 2 out of 5 conditions a person has to meet before he or she can perform the Haj. Be capable financially and health-wise. Know that travel won't endanger his life + a. Know that his spouse allows him or her + a. Know that his family are well provided for + a. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

45 During which month is the Haj performed?
Dhul Qi'da. Dhul Hijjah. Sha'ban. Ramadhan. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

46 How often do persons perform Haj?
A person should perform the Haj at least once in a lifetime. If a person desires to perform Haj more than once, it is his or her choice. It is not unusual to see some who have performed Haj 4 or 5 times, or even more. All the above. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

47 Will a person like to perform the Haj repeatedly?
Once a person experiences Haj, his sweet memory will be so intense, and the spiritual uplift so powerful that he or she will always wish to go again. That depends on the person's health. That depends on the person's age, financial status among other factors. All the above. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

48 What some of the things will a person learn from Haj?
A person practices true equality, and humility. Earn a genuine sense of equality, a deep sense of purity + a, c, and d. Everyone goes through the same routine, all will say the same words, all will be dressed alike, and all will look alike from a distance + a. Practice brotherhood of man. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

49 Can Haj be performed at other times?
Yes and it is called Omrah, done on individual level. Yes and it is called Omrah, done on collective level. Yes and it is called Omrah, but is not regarded as true Haj. Yes and it is called Omrah, and is as good as true Haj. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

50 Mention the first 2 procedures of the Haj?
In certain places before reaching Mecca you start your Ihram. Every person should perform Haj (Omrah) of Tamat'tu except those who live in Mecca. After reaching Mecca you discontinue Ihram + b. a and b. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

51 Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4
What is Ihram? Ihram means declaring your intention that you are making Haj. + a, c, and d. For Ihram you take a complete bath. After the bath you put on a simple garb, in a special manner, thus all people will be dressed alike as mentioned before. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

52 What is the state of Ihram mean?
There will be no evil talk whatsoever. Brotherhood and goodness of the heart are to prevail, and pleasures of the flesh are strictly forbidden + a, c, and d. There will be no disputes or quarrels. You don't even hurt or kill an animal, otherwise you have to sacrifice an animal. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

53 Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4
End of quiz You may go for the next set of questions about Teaching of Muhammad as passed down by Ahlul Bayt or You may choose another topic Thank you and May Allah bless you. Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt , Part #4

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