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Katie Derrick Sefton & St Helens Programme Coordinator

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1 Katie Derrick Sefton & St Helens Programme Coordinator
LWTC is a joint programme between Diabetes UK, NHS England and Public Health England LWTC only works with people aged 18+, and the majority of people referred onto the programme are over 50. However, a lot of people referred do look after grandchildren. As a parent of a 2 ½ year old, I know that grandparents often unknowingly feed the wrong food to their grandchildren. With the increased knowledge they gain from the programme, this improves the food that they are serving to children in their families. Especially as grandparents can often be the people feeding breakfasts before school and/or the evening meal to children after school

2 11.9 million people According to Diabetes UK, 11.9 million people in the UK are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes Diabetes accounts for around 10% of the NHS budget Around 90 % of people with diabetes, have Type 2 diabetes.

3 Who is at risk? You are more at risk of developing type 2 diabetes if you: White, and aged over 40 African-Carribean, Black African or South Asian and aged over 25 Have ever had high blood pressure Have a parent, sibling or child with diabetes Have ever had a heart attack or stroke Are a woman who’s had polycystic ovaries, gestational diabetes or a baby weighing over 10lbs

Strong international evidence for effectiveness of lifestyle interventions to lower risk

5 What does living well taking control do?
We work with people who are over 18 and have got raised blood sugar levels Complete a 30 minute initial assessment with each participant, where clinic metrics are taken Assign to an eight week healthy lifestyle course, with five follow up sessions up to 12 months

6 What the course covers SMART goals Physical activity Guidelines
How to get into lifestyle Healthy eating Eatwell guide Portion sizes Food labels Barriers to healthy eating / physical activity Positive mental health and wellbeing Cover what pre-diabetes is (other names) and what it means Pre-diabetic Borderline diabetes Impaired glucose regulation (IGR) Non-diabetic hyperglycaemia

7 Where do we work? South Sefton Bootle Strand by Me / May Logan Centre / Bootle & Netherton Fire Station Crosby St Luke’s Church / St Nicholas Church Maghull St Andrew’s Church Southport & Formby Southport St Philip & St Paul Church / Lord Street West Church Formby Formby Fire Station Current venues, however we are always looking for others!

8 feedback Husband referred, wife came along to sessions. Wife was strict with him about what food he ate, and how much wine he drank Single man referred, didn’t like cooking and lived on ready meals. Found food labelling session most useful Husband referred, wife came along to sessions, and were ‘in it together’. Drastically reduced their driving, preferring to walk everywhere. Food labelling session has proven to be the most useful for patients – as food previously thought to be good for them, a shock when reading labels.


10 team Backgrounds in: Personal training Psychology One coordinator
Teaching HCA Public health (health improvement) One coordinator Ten facilitators

11 Any questions? Katie Derrick

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