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The Periodic Table 6.1.

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Presentation on theme: "The Periodic Table 6.1."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Periodic Table 6.1

2 Mendeleev’s Period Table
Set up by atomic mass v. atomic number-modern Elements in groups have similar properties

3 Numbering the Periodic Table

4 Groups: vertical Periods: horizontal

5 Mapping the Periodic Table: Metals, Nonmetals, Metalloids

6 Metal Properties High luster or sheen – reflects light
Conducts electricity Conducts heat Ductile (can be drawn into wires) Malleable (can be hammered into sheets - bends)

7 Non metals Properties Dull – no sheen
Insulator – doesn’t conduct heat or electricity Brittle – will shatter not hammer into sheets Most are gases at room temperature P, S, Se, I are solid Br is liquid

8 Metalloid (semimetal) Properties
Has characteristics of both metals and nonmetals Tend to be semi-conductors (conduct electricity under right conditions. Can be shiny (have a sheen) Can be brittle

9 Group Names, Representative, Transition metals and Inner transition (rare earth) metals

10 Ch. 6.2 and 6.3 Electron configuration Ions and charges
Periodic Trends

11 Electron configuration on the Periodic Table

12 Electron config. Blocks

13 Electron configuration using P.T.
e- config of Ca using P.T. Shortcut using Noble gases

14 Valence electrons Valence Electrons (v.e.):
electrons used in bonding elements Electrons in the highest energy level s and p sublevels – maximum is 8 Valence electrons is the same as the group number (for representative elements) Example: Mg is group 2A, has 2 v.e.

15 Valence electrons in P.T.


17 Atoms gain or lose electrons to obtain a noble gas configuration
Ions Atoms gain or lose electrons to obtain a noble gas configuration Cations: positive charge bc they LOSE electrons. Ca: loses 2 e- becomes +2 charge to be like Ar (Ca+2) Anions: negative charge bc they GAIN electrons Cl: gains 1 e- be come -1 charge to be like Ar (Cl-)

18 Charges of the Ions

19 Ch. 6.3 Definitions Atomic Size (radius): one half the distance between the nuclei of 2 atoms of the same element when 2 atoms are joined. Ions: atom (or group of atoms) that has a positive or negative charge by losing or gaining electrons. Anions: larger than original atom Cations: smaller than original atom

20 Periodic Table Trends

21 Atomic Radius

22 Vocabulary Ionization Energy: energy required to remove the first electron from an atom.  Electronegativity: the ability of an atom to attract an electron when an atom is in a compound. (number value assigned arbitrarily )

23 Increasing electronegativity and ionization energy

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