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Working with Powers Definition of Powers Integer Exponents

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1 Working with Powers Definition of Powers Integer Exponents
The seven Exponent Rules

2 Repeated multiplications…
2 × 2 = 2 × 2 × 2 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = How can we write these in shorter notation?

3 For repeated addition we use multiplication
For repeated multiplication we use exponents = 5 × 3 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 =

4 Write these numbers using exponential notation:
= 10? 27 = 3? 32 = 2? 104 33 25

5 Computer Memory A byte is capable of storing one letter of the alphabet. For example, the word “math” requires four bytes to store in a computer. Bytes of computer memory are often manufactured in amounts equal to powers of 2.

6 For Example 1 kilobyte (1Kb) = 210 = 1 megabyte (1 Mb) = 220 =
(about a thousand bytes) 1 megabyte (1 Mb) = 220 = (about a thousand kilobytes) 1 gigabyte (1 Gb) = 230 = (about a thousand megabytes) 1024

7 Integer Exponents 43 is called a power 43 = 4 x 4 x 4 = 64
Base 4 Exponent 3 43 is called a power 43 = 4 x 4 x 4 = 64 You need to know what is meant by base, exponent and power.

8 You try these . . . 72 54 43 = 49 = 625 = 64

9 Exponent Rules 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. These rules will be explained in the following slides

10 Exponent Rule #1 #1 n times 5 times Why put a 1 at the beginning?
That’s why!

11 Exponent Rule #2 #2 Any power with an exponent of 0 is equal to 1

12 a0 = 1 40 90 170 =1 M0 (pq)0 (2x2y)0 =1 =1 =1 =1 =1

13 Exponent Rule #3 #3 n times 4 times A negative exponents means divide

14 Negative Exponents 3-1 7-1 5-2 2-4 (1/2) -1 (3/4) -2

15 M-2 x-5 = y3

16 Operations with Exponents
Multiply: (x3)∙(x4) A5 ∙ A4 = Divide: = (x ∙ x ∙ x) ∙ (x ∙ x ∙ x ∙ x) = (x ∙ x ∙ x ∙ x ∙ x ∙ x ∙ x) = x7 A9 = m2

17 Multiplying Exponents

18 Exponent Rule #4 #4 When multiplying powers with the same base, add the exponents.

19 x5x4 y-2y7 b3b-6 m6m-6 (2x5)(4x-3) 2z-1z5w-6w-2 = x9 = y5 = b-3 = m0
= 2w-8z4

20 Dividing Exponents

21 Exponent Rule #5 #5 When dividing powers with the same base, subtract the exponents.

22 = x4 = y5

23 Powering Exponents (am)n=?

24 Exponent Rule #6 #6 When taking a powers of a power (one base only), multiply the exponents.

25 (w4)5 (p-3)4 (5x4)-2 (-3y-7)3 = w20 = p-12 = 5-2x-8 = -33y-21

26 Powering Exponents

27 Exponent Rule #7 #7 Powers of products or quotients
When taking a powers of a product or quotient, distribute the exponent into the bracket.


29 Exponent Rules 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

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