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Presentation on theme: "Macromolecules."— Presentation transcript:

1 Macromolecules

2 Organic Chemistry The element Carbon is found in most living organisms. The study of carbon based molecules is known as Organic Chemistry. Other key elements in cells are: Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Sulfur CHNOPS

3 Macromolecules Polymer or macromolecule: Large unit made of many smaller units called monomers. Monomer: A single unit, many monomers put together make a polymer.

4 Four Major Macromolecules
Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins Nucleic Acids


6 Carbohydrates

7 Carbohydrates Contain the elements Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen.
Monomer for carbohydrates is glucose

8 Forms of carbohydrates
Simple sugars used as quick energy

9 Starches

10 Sometimes just a hexagon is drawn to represent a monosaccharide
Uses for carbohydrates: Energy Source Simple sugars such as glucose are forms of “quick energy” Energy Storage In plants the carbohydrate cellulose provides structure Chitin a carbohydrate that forms the hard shell in lobsters, shrimp, and some insects

11 Lipids

12 Lipids Composed mainly of Carbon and Hydrogen, some Oxygen
Long Chains of Carbon called fatty acids There is no monomer for Lipids

13 Fats

14 Oils

15 waxes

16 Lipids Functions Source of energy Wax coating on plant leaves
Beeswax makes the honeycomb in a beehive

17 Function of Lipids (cont)
Phospholipids- responsible for the structure and function of the cell membrane. Lipids are hydrophobic meaning they don’t like water. (example: oil and water) Steroids are also in the lipid group

18 Protein

19 Proteins Composed mainly of Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Hydrogen, and sometimes Sulfur. Monomer for protein is an amino acid.

20 Amino acids

21 Amino Acids There are 20 different amino acids
The R group is what gives each amino acid it’s unique property The different arrangement of amino acids give us the many different proteins. Amino Acids are joined together by peptide bonds. The peptide bond is formed between the amino group of one amino acid and the carboxyl group of another.


23 Structure of a Protein Primary Structure is the arrangement of the amino acids.


25 Protein Function Proteins make up about 15% of your body weight.
They have many functions: Provide Structure Transport substances in the cell Speed up chemical reactions (enzymes) Muscles, skin, and hair are all made of protein.

26 Nucleic Acids

27 Nucleic Acids Monomer is called a nucleotide.
Nucleotides are composed of Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Phosphorous, and Hydrogen Two Types of Nucleic Acids: DNA RNA

28 Nucleotide


30 Function of Nucleotides
Store and transmit genetic information

31 A single unit used to build larger units would be a:
A. polymer B. Monomer C. Macromolecule D. Nucleic Acid

32 Which type of macromolecule is used for quick energy?
Simple carbohydrates Complex carbohydrates Lipids Nucleic Acids Proteins

33 Which type of macromolecule is used for long term energy storage?
Simple carbohydrates Complex carbohydrates Lipids Nucleic Acids Proteins

34 Which macromolecule is used for the storage of genetic information?
Simple carbohydrates Complex carbohydrates Lipids Nucleic Acids Proteins

35 Which macromolecule is used for building muscle?
Simple carbohydrates Complex carbohydrates Lipids Nucleic Acids Proteins

36 Nucleotides are the monomers for which polymer?
Protein Carbohydrate Lipids Nucleic acids

37 Amino acids are the monomer for which macromolecule?
Protein Nucleic acids Lipids carbohydrates

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