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Transcription 8.4.

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Presentation on theme: "Transcription 8.4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transcription 8.4

2 What are the building blocks of proteins?

3 What are the building blocks of proteins?
Answer: Amino Acids.

4 Q: What is the primary purpose of DNA. A
Q: What is the primary purpose of DNA? A. To store information or instructions about how to build a protein.

5 Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is a nucleic acid made of nucleotides with the sugar RIBOSE instead of DEOXYRIBOSE. RNA uses the base Uracil instead of Thymine.

6 Think of RNA as a temporary copy of DNA
Think of RNA as a temporary copy of DNA. It is usually single-stranded; not double-stranded like DNA is.

7 What are the building blocks of nucleic acids?
Answer: ???

8 Biotechnology: the manipulation of living organisms
or their components to produce useful usually commercial products

9 What are the building blocks of nucleic acids?
Answer: nucleotides

10 Transcription is the process of copying DNA to produce a complimentary strand of RNA.



13 DNA Polymerase is an enzyme that bonds nucleotides together to form a complimentary strand of DNA. RNA Polymerase is an enzyme that bonds nucleotides together to form a complimentary strand of RNA.

14 Recall that there are 20 amino acids
Recall that there are 20 amino acids. A codon is a 3-nucleotide sequence that codes for an amino acid.

15 The genetic code is universal, which means that it is shared by all organisms and viruses. An anticodon is a set of 3 nucleotides that is complimentary to an mRNA codon.

16 The tRNA acts as an adapter between the mRNA and an amino acid
The tRNA acts as an adapter between the mRNA and an amino acid. This adaptation or translation occurs on a ribosome.

17 Translation is the process of converting an mRNA message into a polypeptide. Recall that amino acids make polypeptides and polypeptides make proteins.

18 Stop codons signal the end of an amino acid chain
Stop codons signal the end of an amino acid chain. The start codon signals the beginning of translation.


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